Overall, I love the game. It's like a single-player, one-hour Arhkham Horror game. But there are some tweaks to make it a little less painful to play - I'm really not looking forward to ragequitting and throwing the iToy across the room.
1) Prevent midnight locations from popping up when you have no chance to go to them before midnight (aka you close a location, a new Midnight location pops up, and it immediately becomes midnight). Amazingly frustrating since you've had NO chance to do anything with it. If I fail the test then that's my problem, but not being able to even try before I get penalized really sucks.
2) Allow us to skip the intro movies. Make it a switch in settings.
3) Gamecenter integration. I'd also love to know how other people are doing. ("X won in Y Turns with Z Doom tokens remaining!")
4) Make it obvious in the tutorial what the advantage of Outer Worlds is - I'm still not sure. More Elder Signs, maybe? What's the difference between Green/Yellow/Red glyphs?
5) A legend for things would be nice. Gun is common - I know that from Arkham Horror. Terror is the monster, and peril is the Skull (or maybe vice versa). But the others I'm still not sure about, and I've played AH!
6) Power rebalancing - some of the powers are considerably more butch than the others. The student, who I dislike in AH, is one of the most powerful characters here. But I'm not too sure of the use of Sister Mary's power (treat locked glyphs as unlocked? What's that gain me?), and Darrell's power may old add one to a CLUE, not to any glyph - not terribly useful. Make it turn one lore into 2, or 1 clue into 3 (or 4), and that seems a bit more balanced. And an investigator who gets an extra Red+Orange wouldn't be disliked, since there's one in AH itself, analogous to Gloria in Outer Worlds.
7) I, more than once, have wasted a card trying to gain a yellow/red, when I can't have it, due to locks or whatnot..
8) If I've already lost, don't string it out. If I need 3 glyphs, have no way to gain more, and have to sacrifice one, I'VE LOST. End it. Don't make me keep sacrificing glyphs. That's pointeless and frustrating.
9) Difficulty level. I'm already sick of rolling 10 glyphs needing (and failing to get) one single success. Give me a difficulty option, if only so that after losing 4 games in a row I can remember that it's possible to win.
10) Is the Glyph roller really random? See number 9. I do two of the 3 immediately, then wind up using 3 rerolls on 4 dice to get one miserable success - and failing.
11) Some sort of "news" button. "We're working on adding DLC".
12) DLC. Different/new/other card effects.
13) ADVERTISE - I bought/play AH, have bought expansions, so I'm the target audience. But I found out via a review site - so I'm glad I went on that day.
I think so far I've played 7 games and won 2. How'm I doing?