I thought I would see if anyone has heard any rumors if there will be a 5th core book release next year? I personally hope if they do it will be a core about playing Orks!!
Will there be a 5th core book release next year?
Should there actually be a fifth book (which I don't really think, at least not right now), I think Eldar might be more likely - Orks can already be played in Rogue Trader, leaving Eldar the one major xeno race that has not yet had a playable version.
Eldar game would be awesome. I know Spehs Elves get a lot of flak, but I have a soft spot for them.
Would be an easy book to put together. I think it would feel a little more like Deathwatch, since you would choose either an Aspect Path, Ranger, Guardian, Warlock/Farseer and advancement is pretty rigid for those paths. Advancement/Career like Deathwatch, Rogue trader feel gameplay since really they would be brought together by an Autarch/Warlock...assuming Craftworld Eldar
I can imagine the pretty layout already.
Either way I hope FF doesn't stop I would buy both an ork and eldar core book.
Heh, my friends and I were joking about the next core being Adeptus Titanicus. It would keep the power creep going, and could be a very cool book. Though it would mostly just overshadow Deathwatch harder than any game short of Chapter Master, or Segmentum.
Speaking on that, a book (not necessarily core) about playing playing higher ups not in the Inquisition could be cool. Put the players as a group of Planetary Governors, High Magos, Fleet Admirals, and Lord Generals.
I'd play that. Might make rules for it, as it would be pretty easy.
flyboy0106 said:
Either way I hope FF doesn't stop I would buy both an ork and eldar core book.
As people pointed out, everything you need to play as Orks is in "Into the Storm", and therefore the chances of them getting a full core book is a lot less likely compared to other groups, such as Eldar, Tau, etc.
Still, it's entirely unknown whether there will be another core book next year. I know I've not heard anything about one from anyone.
Personaly I would prefer FFG to start moving to a model of big supplement books to adapt existing games instead of a whole new line.
For instance, an Eldar RPG could be done as a big book suplement for RT, no need to duplicate all the existing rules that way.
Hmm, seems to me that many books have been written enought about Xenos for players to make house rules or RP them. I do hope that FFG will someday come out with playing the Xenos races. Orks and Eldar maybe fun but I'm looking at the Tau and necrons. IMO I don't think its possible that the Tyranids will become playable characters though.
Personally, I'd like to see a revision or rules compendium that unifies all the core rulebooks rather than another new game.
Not that I want them to stop doing new things. Not that at all!!!
As others have said, the possibility of getting a line for Orks is really unlikely. There isn't much to add to the basic kit we get in Into the Storm, to actually have everything you need to play Orks. And what we have not is still enough to have a good game of them.
I'd like to see them fix up Dark Heresy, it really is the most divergent from the rest of the lines now, especially in regards to psychic powers (gotta admit, the new method has grown on me after some use, though I still like Minor Powers).
As for Eldar, I think it's possible we might get rules for them in Rogue Trader (maaaaybe DH, but unlikely), while Dark Eldar rules would be (and probably will be) eventually added to Black Crusade.
Blood Pact said:
As others have said, the possibility of getting a line for Orks is really unlikely. There isn't much to add to the basic kit we get in Into the Storm, to actually have everything you need to play Orks. And what we have not is still enough to have a good game of them.
Agreed. Orks are fun creatures, but they don't have enough different things going for them to make them into a full game.
Blood Pact said:
Yeah, DH could use a full overhaul. Can't agree about minor powers, though, the buggers are some of the most broken things in that game.
Blood Pact said:
The Eldar can and should be made into a RT career, but that doesn't really use up their full potential - I believe they are complex enough that a full game could be constructed out of it.
I'm pretty sure Dark Eldar won't appear as playable characters in BC, their goals, motivations and dealings with Chaos don't really map with the bigger themes of the game.
I agree that orks probably couldn't carry a whole game- even though there are plenty of orky bitz not covered in RT (Docs, Wyrd Boyz, Runtherds, a ton of equipment and vehicles- do they even have rules for Boyz becoming Nobz?). Look at the Gorkamorka skirmish game- it came out well after Necromunda , but Nec' still has a cult following while Gorka' is virtually forgotten...
As for eldar, there is plenty of background and variety to support a game, but my fear is that it wouldn't do justice to the eldar's truely alien personality, and people would just play them as humans with pointy ears, high Agility and cool equipment...
Adeptus-B said:
my fear is that it wouldn't do justice to the eldar's truely alien personality, and people would just play them as humans with pointy ears, high Agility and cool equipment...
What alien personality? They aren't more alien than feudal Japan.
Adeptus-B said:
do they even have rules for Boyz becoming Nobz?
Ork Freebooter characters can purchase the Size: Hulking, Unnatural Strength (x2) and Fear (1) traits, all representing becoming a Nob, particularly as Orks get to use the Intimidate skill in place of Command when dealing with other Greenskins, and their SB instead of their FB to determine how many they can boss about, so a larger, stronger Ork is inherently a leader of his kind, particularly once they pick up the Talent "Lissen Ta Me 'Cos I'z Da Biggest!"
I kind of hope they would take a year off of coming up with a new game, and focus on fleshing out there existing lines further. Maybe do something more for Ascension, or an adventure or two for Gray Knights. Deathwatch is about due for their scenario trilogy.
flyboy0106 said:
I thought I would see if anyone has heard any rumors if there will be a 5th core book release next year? I personally hope if they do it will be a core about playing Orks!!

Morangias said:
The Dark Eldar can be pretty mercenary when they feel like it, considering the Dark City consumes slaves by the grosse. Also, just how well to the Orks and Kroot mesh with Rogue Trader, but they still got rules?
No actually, I think it's an absolute surety that we'll get Dark Eldar, because they're frankly the only antagonist in BC that you can make rules for, and because the personality of the Dark Eldar just fits with Chaos so well. They're practically Slaanesh worshippers when you look at their actions and personalities,
Dark eldar are actually anything, but Slaanesh worshippers.
Blood Pact said:
Morangias said:
The Dark Eldar can be pretty mercenary when they feel like it, considering the Dark City consumes slaves by the grosse. Also, just how well to the Orks and Kroot mesh with Rogue Trader, but they still got rules?
Orks and Kroot mesh very well with RT - Kroot are mercenaries by nature, so serving with RTs comes easy to them, and Ork Freebooters are motivated by adventure, fame and loot - just like human RTs do. Both races put a new spin on the overarching themes of RT, but they are essentially still playing the same game humans do.
Blood Pact said:
BC is a game about people wishing to gain the favor of the Ruinous Powers or die trying. Dark Eldar despise the Dark Gods and never seek their favor. They wouldn't be interested in ascending to daemonhood nor leading a Black Crusade. You could play a DE alongside a group of heretics in the sense that both parties could be willing to associate for reaching a specific goal, but you'd be forever apart from the rest, not giving a **** about their long-term goals. You wouldn't care about Infamy (note that DE adversaries in the core lack this characteristic entirely), and Corruption and Gifts would be strictly problematic rather than the mixed blessing they are for Heretics. Essentially, you'd be playing a completely different game than the rest of the team.
So no, DE and heretics don't mesh.
Well, following the general pattern so far--expanding GW 40K editions and boxsets, I'd say the most likely candidates would be something "Battlefleet Gothic" related--sort of a military themed counterpart of RT? and "Necromunda"--which looks more viable. But that would be the exact reverse of the "power creep" trend. Focusing on underhivers, scum and gangers. A low level urban gothic campaign? I'd buy it, but I don't know how popular it would be.
So, something Eldar-centric sounds most likely--if there is to be a fifth core. It does feel a little like the Eldar have been saved for something special, so far.
Personally, I vote for HearthWorld: The Return of the Squats!
yeah baby! A whole game based on the Squats--rebelling against the Squat-hating hater-guys and restoring spehs dwarves to their proper place!
Maybe, y'know, Zoats, and.... hey. who are these guys in black body gloves and why are they....aaaaaaaaaahhh!
[Move along citizen. There is nothing to see here. Go!]
I would love an RPG based around Necromunda-style gang warfare. That would be awesome.
BC is a game about people wishing to gain the favor of the Ruinous Powers or die trying. Dark Eldar despise the Dark Gods and never seek their favor. They wouldn't be interested in ascending to daemonhood nor leading a Black Crusade. You could play a DE alongside a group of heretics in the sense that both parties could be willing to associate for reaching a specific goal, but you'd be forever apart from the rest, not giving a **** about their long-term goals. You wouldn't care about Infamy (note that DE adversaries in the core lack this characteristic entirely), and Corruption and Gifts would be strictly problematic rather than the mixed blessing they are for Heretics. Essentially, you'd be playing a completely different game than the rest of the team.
So no, DE and heretics don't mesh.
I disagree. Yes, you'd need a bunch of new rules, likely detailing for example how the Dark Eldar can offload his own Corruption on his slaves - just like IIRC the Orks in RT don't have to worry about Corruption at all. Yes, a DE wouldn't strive for Ascension, but neither do all BC characters. Yes, a DE wouldn't have the same long-term goals as other heretics - but neither would the heretics among themselves. Many BC groups are only alliances of convenience at best.
As for the Infamy, I think it's more that the sample Antagonists just don't warrant any than that no DE will ever get any. Kabalite Warriors are the grunts, Mandrakes are not even DE at all and Incubi care only about their fighting prowess, not about their own political advancement (indeed, that's the entire point of the caste).
All in all, the DE is going to play by different rules, but he could certainly play the same game, using his Chaos ties to grow in power and advance his own status in Comowhatsit.
Honestly, I hope that next year they release a new revised core Warhammer 40,000 Roleplay to clean up & unify all four books. I think that's what is needed.
You'd need much more than a few extra rules. The whole classless Alignment-based advancement system makes no sense for the rigid society of the Dark Eldar, and you'd have to figure out something they could get instead of Gifts and Rewards, as those are totally not in their style. It'd be much easier to integrate the Dark Eldar into Rogue Trader than into BC.