I've just bought the CS and am playing about with it, learning the rules and mechanics, having not played a C/LCG since Decipher Star Wars or ME:TW.
My question is this: is it possible to create a playable 60 card (ie legal) deck for play using only one of the CS houses + the neutral cards in the Core Set + sharing some plots about? Looking on cardgamedb.com it seems there would be about 90 to choose from adding say the neutrals to House Stark.
I don't plan to get hold of another CS just yet though I know this will be standard advice, am hoping one of my friends will buy one and we can do some swapping of the set house decks and then I can decide on paths for expansion, but till then I wondered if it is possible to come up with something playable (Octgn or otherwise) using the cards I currently have?