How in Tzeentchs name can you play through this in ONE session?
This evening we are playing our 7th session (4 hours each) and we are finally near the end.
How do you play this as a one-shot adventure?
How in Tzeentchs name can you play through this in ONE session?
This evening we are playing our 7th session (4 hours each) and we are finally near the end.
How do you play this as a one-shot adventure?
w8? Waaat?
But seriously,we played this adventure in 4 h. But there was only 2 PC and one GM and we killed each other when we meet deamon host. How many players do you have?
By using less detail than you apparently do. Sketch out conversations instead of holding them word-for-word (that's what these social skills are for). Skip through eventless time instead of describing every corridor of the ship in detail. Spend less time with intra-party RP.
(Note that I'm not saying any of those are bad things - but they certainly consume time, so if you don't have that...)
we have a good amount of in-party-roleplay, but I still have the feeling I am railroading them like mad. so to play through this in 4 - 6 hours I basically have to just read the adventure to them with the occasional combat dice throws?
how long did you guys play the adventure in the master screen and the one within the rulebook?
maybe we are doing it wrong lol
the start the adventure as noobs and come out total badasses with roughly 5k exp each.
oh and last session our psyker rolled a 96 on the perils table which basically endet the character and the adventure. So now we have the friggin interrogator AND a Lord of Change in human form with his own agenda.
Today we will decide what to do. I think I am making the psyker/lord of change the Warband Boss. With a very very hidden agenda.
Well sorry to bore you with this lol
If you have fun you are doing it right!
I tell ya that when I was GM I preferred my session to be faster and more action oriented so for example my group in 2 session both approximately 6-7 h were induced into =][=, infiltrated genestealers cult, saved governor, killed broodlord, traveled through tyranid infested jungle, solved eldar riddle, meet quite heretical mechanicus, meet eldar warlock and his group, with support of Machanicus and Warlock they had stolen submarine form tyranid infested harbour lived through exterminatus and fought and lost with Chaos Space Marines and Chaos Lord who opened portal to year 30.000 to kill Emprah but they traveled after him...
This was only 14 h
and it was one of best adventures we ever played.
vogue69 said:
the start the adventure as noobs and come out total badasses with roughly 5k exp each.
oh and last session our psyker rolled a 96 on the perils table which basically endet the character and the adventure. So now we have the friggin interrogator AND a Lord of Change in human form with his own agenda.
Today we will decide what to do. I think I am making the psyker/lord of change the Warband Boss. With a very very hidden agenda.
Well sorry to bore you with this lol
vogue69 said:
oh and last session our psyker rolled a 96 on the perils table which basically endet the character and the adventure. So now we have the friggin interrogator AND a Lord of Change in human form with his own agenda.
Oh crap lol.
See, when I ran Broken Chains, one of the Psykers got possessed by a Keeper of Secrets. The rest managed to avoid slaughter through some smooth talking, and then I gave them a chance to team up with Zul and banish the daemon, which they took.
Now onto dealing with Crane. I knew their characters would steamroll the poor bastard, so I used a profile of an Inquisitor from BC core for him, making him a psyker in the process. He decided to push Force Storm to off one of the psykers after being demonstrated that he has little chance against the guy's Compel. Roll for Phenomena, switch to Perils, roll Possession... the team was crapping itself trying to kill Crane through his force field before he'd lose the clash of wills. Fortunately, they succeeded, and the group could move on towards new adventures in the Vortex.
Bottom line being, Chains of Judgement is cursed - it attracts Greater Daemons like crazy.