Melee Quality

By player1420693, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

In DH good and best quality melee weapons give +5 and +10 to attack respectively, but in the BC book it states +5 and +10 to Weapon Skills Tests
My question is, does this mean you get +5 and +10 to parry, posb to counteract the multiple attacks of swift/lightning attacks?

(sorry if the wording is not exactly as in the book, I’m at work and as such don’t have the books to hand :-P )

It does say ALL weapon skill tests, so yes, I suspect it would apply to parry, since that IS a weapon skill test with the weapon. As for why I don't know, but it certainly does help in surviving in melee thanks to superior gear a bit more, so yay for that!

I was curious about that one as well, but from my reading of it, parry is an Evasion test as opposed to a WS test. It does use WS (which is the confusinng part) but in the Parry/Dodge section it simply refers to them under evasion. Of course you could mount an argument either way, but I get the feeling that it's supposed to not give you a bonus on parry. Otherwise the dueling hilt upgrade seems superfluous the majority of the time.

Again, I could be wrong about this :P

Nimas said:

I was curious about that one as well, but from my reading of it, parry is an Evasion test as opposed to a WS test. It does use WS (which is the confusinng part) but in the Parry/Dodge section it simply refers to them under evasion. Of course you could mount an argument either way, but I get the feeling that it's supposed to not give you a bonus on parry. Otherwise the dueling hilt upgrade seems superfluous the majority of the time.

Again, I could be wrong about this :P

I am not entirely sure, but I think you´re on the right track here.

A Weapon Skill Test is RAW a Characteristic Test. While a Parry roll is a Skill Test using the Weapon Skill Characteristic. Not the same thing imo.

moepp said:

Nimas said:

I was curious about that one as well, but from my reading of it, parry is an Evasion test as opposed to a WS test. It does use WS (which is the confusinng part) but in the Parry/Dodge section it simply refers to them under evasion. Of course you could mount an argument either way, but I get the feeling that it's supposed to not give you a bonus on parry. Otherwise the dueling hilt upgrade seems superfluous the majority of the time.

Again, I could be wrong about this :P

I am not entirely sure, but I think you´re on the right track here.

A Weapon Skill Test is RAW a Characteristic Test. While a Parry roll is a Skill Test using the Weapon Skill Characteristic. Not the same thing imo.

Reverend mort said:

I have to say I'm iffy on this interpretation. After all, it clearly states ALL weapon skill tests. That change of phrasing alone seems to indicate the intent. A parry skill is a test using the weapon skill. Furthermore, it's a skill test based on using the weapon. The weapon of superior quality should make said test easier. It seems logical to me. And since bonuses stack, both the balanced weapon trait AND the duelist hilt upgrades still help. They make you even better at parrying.

Also, by your interpretation that it must be listed as a weapon skill test it starts becoming even more weird. So it applies to the Feint move, the Manoeuvre action and Stun attacks, but not parry? Eh? Where's the logic there? The quality of the weapon is so great that it aids in not only deceiving your opponent, controlling him on the battlefield AND non-lethally smashing him across the head, yet it offers no advantage in putting your weapon in the way of his?

Nitpicking on language like that seems very unfun to me. Besides, having to keep track of what constitutes a "weapon skill test" and "weapon skill based test" in play is a lot of hassle. To me the simpler, easier and balanced solution is to simply say that a best quality weapon gives you +10 to any weapon skill test that uses said weapon, be that an attack, a parry, a counter-attack or a feint.

To be honest. I didn´t look for any sense in it. And as said earlier, I´m not entirely sure of it myself.

I just read what Nimas said, looked into the rulebook and saw that apperently (imo) skill tests are completely its own thing. The rules clearly differentiate between Characteristic test and Skill test. That was enough for me, I mean why seperate the two (on page 36) with equally large headlines when a Skill test is basically just a type or facette of a Characteristc test?

i'd like to throw my two pence in the facta better quality weapon is easier to parry with has a real life counternance as if a weapon is better lighter its easier to get it in the way

Yes Reverend Mort and Drake56, you guys are right. Just recieved and answer from FFG confirming your stance on this one.

Craftsmanship quality does affect parry rolls.