Character Creation Question.

By Cthulhutech, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

So I picked up Black Crusade, and I'm planning on running it fairly soon. There is one question I had about character creation, and that is how much exp does a character get to spend in step 5? On page 47 it states that characters receive 7k exp to spend, yet on page 74 it states that humans receive 1k, and space marines receive 500. Is this in addition to the 7k it states on page 47, or what?

The 7k xp is meant to say roughly how much XP a BC character has spent in chargen as a comparison with other 40k rpg lines.

During chargen, a space marine gets to spend 500 xp and a Human gets 1000 xp. That's it, unless I've missed something.

Here's the direct quotes in question.

Page 47, under Stage 5: Spend Experience Points:

"Every character in Black Crusade begins play with 7,000 experience points to spend during creation."

Page 74, under Starting Experience:

"Disciples of Chaos characters in Black Crusade have 1,000 starting experience to spend.

Chaos Space Marine characters in Black Crusade have 500 starting experience to spend."

That's where my confusion lies. I'm inclined to believe that characters just get what's stated on page 74 to spend on stage 5. I'm just trying to clear up some really confusing wording. gui%C3%B1o.gif

The implication I read into it is that a lot of that XP is spent by race and archetype, similar to how a Rogue Trader character is considered to have spent 5000 xp through the origin path and career.

Besides, the chargen is laid out step by step. There is no step that says spend 7000 xp. Ergo, there is no step where you spend 7000 xp. And if you continue to read the pg 43, it goes on to say that "a portion of this xp may be spent when selecting race and archetype." which, while awkwardly and vaguely phrased, to me implies that race and archetype choice counts as "costing" some of this XP. What remains is the 500/1000 left to spend at step 5 as per page 74.

Reverend mort said:

The implication I read into it is that a lot of that XP is spent by race and archetype, similar to how a Rogue Trader character is considered to have spent 5000 xp through the origin path and career.

Besides, the chargen is laid out step by step. There is no step that says spend 7000 xp. Ergo, there is no step where you spend 7000 xp. And if you continue to read the pg 43, it goes on to say that "a portion of this xp may be spent when selecting race and archetype." which, while awkwardly and vaguely phrased, to me implies that race and archetype choice counts as "costing" some of this XP. What remains is the 500/1000 left to spend at step 5 as per page 74.

Reading it a second time that's what I'm starting to think as well. It makes sense to look at it that way, although, like I said, it's REALLY poorly worded!

Cthulhutech said:

Reading it a second time that's what I'm starting to think as well. It makes sense to look at it that way, although, like I said, it's REALLY poorly worded!


I'm thinking of making a BC drinking game :)

Morangias said:

I'm thinking of making a BC drinking game :)

Every time you find something that's poorly worded you take a shot?

You'd be dead of alcohol poisoning 3/4 of the way through the book!

Cthulhutech said:

Morangias said:

I'm thinking of making a BC drinking game :)

Every time you find something that's poorly worded you take a shot?

You'd be dead of alcohol poisoning 3/4 of the way through the book!

I'm from Poland. You'd die of alcohol poisoning just imagining the amount I can imbibe and still stand straight ;)

Morangias said:

Cthulhutech said:

I'm from Poland. You'd die of alcohol poisoning just imagining the amount I can imbibe and still stand straight ;)


Also from Poland. I'd say IT'S ON :)

ShadowRay said:

Also from Poland. I'd say IT'S ON :)

**** right. We invented Vodka!

Didn't know that we have here so many of my fellow countryman from PL ;) but watch out becose there will come some Russian guy and will beat all of you.

coolzyg said:

Didn't know that we have here so many of my fellow countryman from PL ;) but watch out becose there will come some Russian guy and will beat all of you.

Bring them on, my family came from eastern territories.

lol i'm brit military of scottish and irish decent which means im a drinker :) ill take that challenge with a good couple of bottles of proper single malt scotch.

i will point out im not an alcoholic ,im a drunk, i don't go to meetings