It happens to the best of us.
Roxas' Trades (+29/0 Rep) (Looking to Trade)
Okay, I'm checking your trade thread now. SR Oathkeeper... maybe. That's about all I'd want (I'm difficult to trade with, cuase I have almost everything).
Oops, my mistake; those are just rare. I don't really know, then.
Broadway_Punk said:
Okay, I'm checking your trade thread now. SR Oathkeeper... maybe. That's about all I'd want (I'm difficult to trade with, cuase I have almost everything).
Oathkeeper is only a rare.
so any of my cards interest you;), what cards do you still have for trade?......i miss you so hurts sometimes
Morbidsanity said:
so any of my cards interest you;), what cards do you still have for trade?......i miss you so hurts sometimes
Kinda overboard wasn't it.
i don't think so....we aren't pirates
Nice, Jason. lol. Just 4 cards man, just 4.
which 4? and what exactly do you need again?
Collection Need:
Ansem lvl 10 x1
Sephiroth x1 (same as deck need)
Genie lvl 1 x1
Dragon Maleficent x1
Sora lvl 2 Promo (non foil prefered)
so technically 5
but I just ordered a box, so when I get Chip and Dale....yay
thats if you get chip you may get king triton or goofy, or no SRUs mwahahhhhahah....j/k you usually have awesome luck so you may get like 3 haha
I'm counting on a Sephiroth or two actually. After that it's all about King Triton and then my deck is done and I could care less.
Hey, just lettin ya know I just got your card in the mail today
so you don't need to worry
thanks for the trade
Hey Roxas, I got your post. My SR Destiny Islands, hmm. I'd be willing to part with it for the following:
R Destiny Islands + R Soul Eater (I need it for the deck, but as long as it'll be replaced that's fine with me)
Let me know what you think! Only two rares for this one!
I think I'm going to have to turn that offer down, mainly because both of the rares you are asking for are some of rarest rares.
In other news my box and packs come in tomorrow and friday, along with my sleeves.
got two packs today
Pulled 4 wants one of them being SRU.
My real wants are close to dissappearing cause my box comes in better try and make the trade while you can.
The box came in. so lets update.
need to mark my wants differently as well as re-title.
Hey Roxas, can you tell me what price you'd sell a King/Donald Duck Lv.4/Hundred Acre Wood Lv.0/Chip & Dale Lv.0 for? I'll see if I can afford ya~
JuNiBaNtAiTaIcHo said:
Hey Roxas, can you tell me what price you'd sell a King/Donald Duck Lv.4/Hundred Acre Wood Lv.0/Chip & Dale Lv.0 for? I'll see if I can afford ya~
Right now, the only thing I have spareable is The King
Which beacuse of my need of a Sephiroth, I'm probably going to say either 35 or a Sephiroth. I'd prefer the latter
I REALLY want your malifecent SR ... I will trade you up to 5 rares or a SR + 2 rares
hey roxas if my trade with eroeicchi (no clue how to spell it lol) goes through then ill have a spare ansem. and i only have 2 tritons and one goes with the collection and the other is in my brothers deck so i dont think its up for trade sorry i couldnt help you there but if i get the spare ansem ill let you know.
Out of curiousity, what SRs do you have, that aren't listed under your haves section.
Darkwing Duck said:
hey roxas if my trade with eroeicchi (no clue how to spell it lol) goes through then ill have a spare ansem. and i only have 2 tritons and one goes with the collection and the other is in my brothers deck so i dont think its up for trade sorry i couldnt help you there but if i get the spare ansem ill let you know.
Thanks, then I'll just be one card away.
. I can give you any two or three of the SR's such as Owl.
Vertically Challenged said:
I REALLY want your malifecent SR ... I will trade you up to 5 rares or a SR + 2 rares
make me an offer,
Out of curiousity, what SRs do you have, that aren't listed under your haves section.
Actually quite a few
Behemoth x2
Destiny Islands
Peter Pan lvl 3
a second Wendy, sora lvl 3, kairi lvl 0, owl
Parasite Cage x3
Captain Hook
Ooggie Boogie
Dark Riku
most are in my deck.
The only ones I would need aer Behemoth and Leon, what would you want for those 2?