Roxas' Trades (+29/0 Rep) (Looking to Trade)

By Roxas2, in Agrabah Bazaar

Roxas said:

Well I'm willing to trade for parts of it, just let me know what you need and I'd be happy to work something out with you ^_^

I'm more than willing to trade it all, but the only two cards I'm really after right now are Chip n Dale and Sephiroth. Email me if you want to negotiate something or if you've got a more complete list of what you'll trade -

Update time....and a bump

oh i did recieve your stuff thanks again


Is anyone wanting to trade, post offers and I will consider all offers.

Bump, and update.


Update.....100% just to hopefully start getting trades in cause the forums are dying and hopefully this will keep my interesting in the game alive.

yo roxas

i need some valor forms and the king and at least 1 sephy if u can spare

i can shine u out if u need for some cards i need

I only have an extra The King and at the moment RoxaSora has dibs on it until after Christmas. I'll let you know.

also i will pretty much trade for any set 4 cards seeing as now idk if we will be able to get any at all and i can trade them for alot here because no1 else will have them

also need a chip n dale XD