So I've been doing some reading on the background of the Old Ones and the Slann, which has invariably led me to do some reading into Warhammer Fantasy. I was wondering if it has occured to anyone to convert the Warhammer Fantasy Role-play rules and have their acolytes encounter Warhammer World? If so, what were your thoughts on looking at Warhammer World from the galactic perspective of 40K? I know I see the connections and the potential for a one shot adventure, but I curious as to if anyone else thought that might be fun/interesting/a catastrophe.
A wacky idea for a campaign
I believe it was Hellbore whom was able to convince his acolytes that they were playing WFRP, then threw it completely around when an Ordo Inquisitor came to pick them up. I think it was Hellbore, I may have misspelled the name too, apologies ahead of time.
Oh not a problem, the concept just occured to me so I was wondering what others thought. I've heard some interesting takes on the idea on another forum. One WHFR game master had his heroes battling to stop a collosus rampaging through everything in its path only to discover it had been a Titan that had been stranded there. There was another case where someone had Sigmar as one of the lost Primarchs, and the acolytes were investigating the case. It sounded like it would be an interesting adventure to send them on, especially taking into consideration the connections to the Old Ones and the Slann. Just wanted to see what others thought of the idea.
Here is something interesting from the Realms Of Chaos books put out by Black Library. While they set in the Warhammer Fantasy world, the "writer" of said tomes, who has been getting much of his info directly from Chaos itself, has visions of another place, in another realm, that is also under the influence of Chaos. Turns out this other realm in the visions is the 40K universe and aspects of Chaos there. Kinda interesting how the "writer" puts his visions of Traitor Marines and other 40K aspects into a Fantasy setting tome of blasphemous knowlege. Yes the guy is up there with the good Mad Ahrab himself. It does enforce the fact that Chaos is the only constant, anywhere and everywhere.
I think if could be rather easy actually. Make it set on a fringe world, make them all feral worlders, make the Inquisitor actually part of the imperium, but undercover, and have the alcolytes work heresy on only one world. World has feral orks and some heretic sorcerers, and walla- WHFRP
Hmm, I was personally thinking that maybe the classinc ship stranded story. They're on transit somewhere but have a warp leak and have to make an emergy drop out of the warp only to find themselves plopped out in the middle of galactic nowhere with a "feral" world below. So they stop down to see what's going on, etc, etc, until the ship is operational again and they can finally get the hell out of there. However, the concept that they come across this world and the Inquisitor decides to retake it for the Imperium because of the sheer amount of heresy afoot down there is also a cool idea. Maybe the Inquisitor requisitions a company of space marines or imperial guard to back her acolytes up as they march across Warhammer World retaking it for His Holy Majesty.
Thought I'd share something. This talk of Warhammer World within Imperial reach has inspired me in a couple areas in my campaign. Namely, I've come up with a couple side quests for a pair of players who requested it.
One player wanted to change the way he role-played so he requested a dark pact. Originally, I had considered a Nurglite daemon would approach him, but instead I decided upon another creature that would ensare him in his dreams. By all means, the player will think it is a daemon, but as it will be revealed later, it is in fact a Slann. I figured that this would work well with my Ordo Xenos acolytes.
Next is a player who has repeatedly been rolling bad and as such is behind on experience,hence why he asked for a side quest. So I decided to give him lots of fighting. He's currently on a ship with the other acolytes and likes to wander. So, he's soon to discover that the crusade forces have taken to a dangerous pass time when they're not on the front: Blood Bowl.
ClockworkGecko said:
Here is something interesting from the Realms Of Chaos books put out by Black Library. While they set in the Warhammer Fantasy world, the "writer" of said tomes, who has been getting much of his info directly from Chaos itself, has visions of another place, in another realm, that is also under the influence of Chaos. Turns out this other realm in the visions is the 40K universe and aspects of Chaos there. Kinda interesting how the "writer" puts his visions of Traitor Marines and other 40K aspects into a Fantasy setting tome of blasphemous knowlege. Yes the guy is up there with the good Mad Ahrab himself. It does enforce the fact that Chaos is the only constant, anywhere and everywhere.
Correction it was in Black Library's "Liber Chaotica" series. I've been involved in 40K so long that everything is getting jumbled up.