Scoreboard Phase Resolution and Downed Players

By slcobbs, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

We have notice a slight confusion to one rule for Scoreboard phase resolution.

In the Resolve Scoreboard Phase Abilities it states to resolve any "Scorboard Phase" abilities on players, team upgreades, or staff upgrades.

However, when a player is downed that player loses all abilities and remaining skills.

So, there is a slight contradicton with one rule stateing to resolve any skill and another saying they have not skill when downed.

We played it as the downed state had priority over the Scorboard Phase resolution.

What do you all think?

Yeah, you have it right. I don't see much of a problem. Downed players lose their abilities. Resolving scoreboard phase player abilities is only for standing players.

I'm trying to think of possible exceptions, but I can't think of any off the top of my head (and without the game in front of me).

DaveNYC said:

. Downed players lose their abilities.

Please, I haven't found that on the rules. Can you help me giving me the page where you have found it? Thx...

Just cited the location in you other thread....

Mordechai said:

DaveNYC said:

. Downed players lose their abilities.

Please, I haven't found that on the rules. Can you help me giving me the page where you have found it? Thx...

pg 11 under Player States - Downed. Last sentence.
"Downed players lose all abilities and remaining skills, but retain any assigned cheating tokens already placed on them."