Available On Amazon AppStore?

By TonganJedi2, in Elder Sign: Omens

Any chance this app will show up in the Amazon AppStore? I'd like to play this on my Kindle Fire when it comes in.

Totally and utterly seconded. I'm loving the game on my iPhone, but it would be great on the bigger screen.

Agreed! Love this on my iPhone ... but want to play it on my Kindle Fire. Hey ... it's already an Android app ... does it take much more to make it play on the Fire?

I would love to also play this game on my Fire.

It's possible to play Elder SIgn Omens on the kindle fire, it just takes an android phone, a computer and a (very) little tech savvy.

The game won't run by itself because even after side-loading, the game fails to download the cache files for the game, so you have have to side-load the application and manually copy the cache files from your phone to your Kindle, here's how:

  1. First, purchase and install the game from the Android Market onto your android phone.
  2. Then install a file manager with the capability to back up installed apps (I use Astro file manager, available for free on the Android Market).
  3. Run Elder sign omens and download all of the cache files to your phone (I've not yet tried this with the tablet files but it may work).
  4. Run Astro and use the app backup feature to back up Elder Sign Omens, (Astro will place the .APK file in a folder called Backups on the root of your phone's SD card)
  5. Copy the Elder Sign APK file and the com.fantasyflightgames.ESAndroid folder from your phone (on my Nexus S it was in /android/data / com.fantasyflightgames.ESAndroid) and paste onto your computer.
  6. Go into the device settings on your Kindle Fire and set the "Allow installation of applications from unknown sources to" option to ON
  7. Install a file manager with the ability to install .apk files on your Kindle Fire (Astro isn't on the Amazon App Store yet, so I used AndroXeplorer which is avalable for free)
  8. Paste the .APK to your kindle (Doesn't matter where), and paste the com.fantasyflightgames.ESAndroid folder into the /android/data/ folder on your kindle
  9. open your file manager and navigate to wherever on your kindle you placed your Elder Sign APK file and you file manager should install it.

After that you should be able to run Elder Sign Omens on your Kindle fire.

Have now loaded the tablet files and they work fine, just a little bit of a delay when entering the main menu.

I'm glad the Fire can be hacked to accommodate the game, but I'd prefer FF to list the game on the Appstore. If Amazon were to update the Fire in a way that circumvents the hack, the game would be lost (albeit, temporarily I'm sure). It's not worth the hassle; we should be able to simply purchase it for the Fire directly.

please make available on the Kindle Fire... PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!

I would also love to buy this on the Amazon App store. I have it on my Android phone, but my Kindle Fire needs it! Pretty please?

Yes, please I need an official supported version for Kindle Fire.

I'm using it now but I think there is something wnet wrong... every midnight (every 4 turns) the doom track advanced of 3. So it is impossibile to get more than 16 turns.

TonganJedi said:

I'm glad the Fire can be hacked to accommodate the game, but I'd prefer FF to list the game on the Appstore. If Amazon were to update the Fire in a way that circumvents the hack, the game would be lost (albeit, temporarily I'm sure). It's not worth the hassle; we should be able to simply purchase it for the Fire directly.

seconded; hacking the Fire is a kluge-y fix for this problem. I love Omens on my android phone, but the big screen would rule.

Just got my Fire, now I need Elder Signs: Omens! Pretty please?

So, FFG, any news about listing this game with Amazon? I'd really like to add this to my game collection without paying an arm and a leg for a full tablet.

Adding another second to the vote to see this app on Amazon App store!

I'm not sure how many opinions are needed but I want to request a Kindle Fire friendly version as well.

Just adding another voice hoping to see this on the Amazon Appstore some time soon.

Purchased it for my Incredible 2 through the Android Market and I was able to successfully side-load it onto my kindle fire (using the same method described above). However I am also seeing the same behavior that another user notes above - EVERY midnight I adds 3 doom tokens, without exception. Otherwise it's perfectly playable (just not winnable :P ) and by the way - it looks FANTASTIC on the Fire...

Regardless, this is one of the BEST mobile applications I have ever seen and it represents your game remarkably well. The artwork, implementation and presentation is nearly without peer on the android market right now. MORE people need to see what you're capable of in the mobile space.

I (for one) will buy it again in a heartbeat as soon as it hits the Amazon Market. I'm certain that I'm not alone happy.gif By the way - I'm taking the auto train to Disney world in early march - so by the end of this month would be fabulous gui%C3%B1o.gif


Yes, Please!

I would love to be able to play this on the kindle fire! So many board games are already android apps, where is the hang up! Amazon, Android, or the individual publishers?!

Im ready to buy!

Consider me another voice in favor. I'd love to see the excellent ES:Omens released on Kindle Fire (and let me also once again encourage FFG to keep up the conversions)!

I have it on my phone, but I really want it on my Kindle Fire. I have the same +3 doom tokens at midnight when I try to sideload it. Could FFG do a kickstarter.com to pay to convert it to the Kindle Fire?