Not able to use unique items and less green dice available

By toonces2, in Elder Sign: Omens

I just played a game with Mandy. I had 4 Unique items in inventory and when I would start an adventure(no glyphs locked BTW) the back pack would not let me use any of them. This occurred through the entire game. Also I was only able to use 5 green dice, not 6. Played on a Motorola Xoom w/ Honeycomb 3.2.1.

No other issues throughout, great game otherwise.

Are you sure there were no glyph locks? Note that glyphs that are locked are not available in ANY adventure. It is not only locked for the one adventure.

It sounds like one of your green dice was locked too. I believe the adventure that locks green is "Did You Hear That?"

For all bugs, you should go to links at bottom of page and click support and report the bug.