Pushing psychic powers, multiple phenomena rolls?

By Jerrith, in Black Crusade Rules Questions

Page 207 describes the three levels a psyker can use his powers at. Under the push description, it states "Regardless of the test's result, the psyker will automatically generate a significant disturbance in the warp and must roll twice on Table 6-2: Psychic Phenomena, applying one or both results, depending on the psyker's nature as described in Table 6-1: Psychic Strength."

Ok so when a psyker pushes a power, he automatically rolls twice on the phenomena table. Fair enough. But what does the part mentioning "applying one or both results, depending on the psyker's nature" mean? It hints that this is clarified in table 6-1, but in that table no mention is made about rolling once or twice when pushing, for any of the levels.

A good question, I would say.

I would assume it is either Unbound AND Daemons that have to take both or just Daemons. I am pretty sure Bound psykers will be protected from this as well, giving them the chance to pick the lesser Phenomena.

I already asked that question via the rules question button and the answer seems to be that this is a error. We should only use the table and you only roll once.
Here the official answer I received:

> 3. The last paragraph under Psychic Strength states that if a psyker uses the push strength he rolls twice on the psychic phenomena Table and applies one or both results according to his nature as per table 6-1 Psychic Strength. However the table lacks any information on this topic, so how should I determine if I should apply one or both results?

This is a mistype that will be clarified in a forthcoming FAQ/Errata. You should use Table 6–1: Psychic Strength, as that information is accurate.

In DW the rule is that a psyker using push and getting a double on the roll will automatically take a level of fatigue. Much simpler than any other rule tbh.

Thanks for the insight, Luther! I'll pass this on to my group.

DJSunhammer said:

In DW the rule is that a psyker using push and getting a double on the roll will automatically take a level of fatigue. Much simpler than any other rule tbh.

That still exists, it's covered just after the "rolling once or twice" description.