So me and my roomies have been playing LotR for about the last 3 weeks now and have been addicted to it from the very start... Playing two or three times every day!
As I am such a nice person, I bought the two expansions F+F and Battlefields as a surprise for them and we couldn't wait to try them.
We really like F+F, cause for once you don't just try to survive but can also fight some Foes personally.. Sweet payback!
And Battlefields has its interesting parts aswell! It's nice finally seeing Aragorn, Gandalf,etc. having more important roles in the whole game...
But we kinda grow more and more desperate because you can't seem to win with those two expansions combined!!!
We keep telling eachother we might just need to go on trying... but it's really frustrating. The only way you can win (which we did few times) is buy killing all the Foes.. often long before reaching Mordor. Which is on one side very releaving after exhausting hours of struggling with Sauron.. but it is also not as satisfying as actually destroying the ring! We just don't never seem to be only CLOSE to having a chance reaching let alone winning Mordor!
Does anyone know more about this problem then we do?! Or can help in any way?!