[BUG] Ashcan Pete Purchases in the Entrance Hang Game

By guest470249, in Elder Sign: Omens

Was able to repeat this one pretty easily.

As Ashcan Pete, attempt to purchase a common or unique item at the entrance with trophies. Game hangs.

I was able to close the app, restart and repeat. Restarting the app and doing a challenge instead allowed me to complete the game.

I'm experiencing the EXACT same problem!


Same here, I think it also does the same with buying a spell, but the game does not bug when buying a clue token (I haven't tested buying an elder sign, however). Glitch is 100% repeatable. The game also hangs if Pete gets a common item from Lost and Found (and, I assume, a spell, although I'm still trying to get the spinner to land on it).

Presumably, the glitch is caused by Ashcan Pete's special ability to get a different type of item when he gets a common, unique, or spell item.

Thankfully, the game auto-saves before you try to buy anything, so if the glitch happens you can keep playing, but it's still annoying.

The recent patch fixed this for me, but I understand some folks are having different problems now. Since the patch, the only problems I've had are bad rolls.