Stupid rules question

By bogi_khaosa, in Dark Heresy Rules Questions

Where in the book is it written that you cannot take two of the same kind of action in the same turn? Or is that only two attacks? Or did I hallucinate this? sorpresa.gif

And if we import the categories from RT and DW, does that mean that you cannot Full Move and Dodge? (as they both have the Movement subtype?)


On page 191

"Standard Attack (Half Action)
You can make one melee or ranged attack by Testing Weapon
Skill or Ballistic Skill. Certain weapons require Talents to use
them effectively (see Chapter IV: Talents). You can still make
attacks with these weapons if you lack the proper Talents, but
you do so with a –20 penalty to your Weapon Skill for melee
weapons or Ballistic Skill for ranged weapons."

I hope this is what your looking for.

By RAW that would allow you to make two half-action Standard Attacks in a turn. There's something somewhere that forbids that... isn't there?

Sorry that's right I didn't answer your question properly, I'm a little sleep deprived. He is a second shoot.

Look on page 188

"Half Action
A Half Action is fairly simple, like moving or drawing a
weapon. A character can take two different Half Actions on
his Turn instead of taking a Full Action.
Note that you may not take the same Half Action twice."

So from the looks of it you are not allowed to take the same two half-actions together in the same round.

And the errata clarifies that using a psy power counts as an attack, meaning that you can not use a psy power and attack in the same turn.

But the only exception to that rule is Resist Possession.

Ah, it's only Attack actions then (and psychic powers). Whew!

Is there a back story to this question? Like did one of our players try to do two of the attack actions a turn or something?

I was unsure if it was a rule against not making two of the same class of actions in a round, in which case it woukd be impossible to both make a Full Move and Dodge (since, going by the DW and RT rules, they are both Movement type actions).

bogi_khaosa said:

I was unsure if it was a rule against not making two of the same class of actions in a round, in which case it woukd be impossible to both make a Full Move and Dodge (since, going by the DW and RT rules, they are both Movement type actions).

This rule goes only for Half Action. Full Move is a Full Action, Dodge - a reaction, so it's ok to do the same two type of actions, as long as they have different duration. So, for example, you can do some half attack action, and later in the Round shoot again for Reaction from some MUI rig weapon. Same for Psy-Powers: its ok to manifest Divine shot (Free Action) and then do an attack (Half or Full Action).

I think the errata states that any use of a psy power is considered a standard attack (and thus a attack half action) for determining what kind of action may be taken for the rest of the round. So no, psy power + standard attack is out.

There are however 1 or 2 psy powers are excluded from that rule. One being resist possesion.

Umbranus said:

I think the errata states that any use of a psy power is considered a standard attack (and thus a attack half action) for determining what kind of action may be taken for the rest of the round. So no, psy power + standard attack is out.

There are however 1 or 2 psy powers are excluded from that rule. One being resist possesion.

Heh, now I will clear this thing for you too =)

"Making a Focus Power Action is the psychic equivalent of a Standard Attack Action, and counts as such for purposes of determining what else a psyker can do in a round. Therefore, a psyker who uses a Half Action power cannot make another Half Action Standard Attack on the same round."

Here we go: psychic equivalent of a Standard Attack Action . What is Standart Attack? Right, Half Action.

Go further: a psyker who uses a Half Action power cannot make another Half Action Standard Attack on the same round.

Right, couse he cant do two Half actions of same type. And I say it again - there is nothin wrong in two same actions, as long as they have different duration. Half action attack + Free Action power is fine.

Dictator said:

And I say it again - there is nothin wrong in two same actions, as long as they have different duration. Half action attack + Free Action power is fine.

Not so. A Free Action Power is still a Focus Power Action. And as such, counts as a Standard Attack Action. I refer to your own quote:

Dictator said:

"Making a Focus Power Action is the psychic equivalent of a Standard Attack Action, and counts as such for purposes of determining what else a psyker can do in a round."

The example that follows, which specifies a Half Action Power, is just that: An Example. You cannot combine a Half Action Power with a Half Action Attack, but that does NOT mean you can make the combination you suggest.

Darth Smeg said:

Dictator said:

And I say it again - there is nothin wrong in two same actions, as long as they have different duration. Half action attack + Free Action power is fine.

Not so. A Free Action Power is still a Focus Power Action. And as such, counts as a Standard Attack Action. I refer to your own quote:

Dictator said:

"Making a Focus Power Action is the psychic equivalent of a Standard Attack Action, and counts as such for purposes of determining what else a psyker can do in a round."

The example that follows, which specifies a Half Action Power, is just that: An Example. You cannot combine a Half Action Power with a Half Action Attack, but that does NOT mean you can make the combination you suggest.


Then how does Divine Shot work? It's not a sustained power, and it's not like Unnatural Aim that says you have to take the shot before the end of your next turn. The power doesn't seem to put any restrictions on when the shot can be fired.

Dictator said:

bogi_khaosa said:

I was unsure if it was a rule against not making two of the same class of actions in a round, in which case it woukd be impossible to both make a Full Move and Dodge (since, going by the DW and RT rules, they are both Movement type actions).

This rule goes only for Half Action. Full Move is a Full Action, Dodge - a reaction, so it's ok to do the same two type of actions, as long as they have different duration. So, for example, you can do some half attack action, and later in the Round shoot again for Reaction from some MUI rig weapon. Same for Psy-Powers: its ok to manifest Divine shot (Free Action) and then do an attack (Half or Full Action).

i got confused with this, you mean that you cant do a feint and a standard attack because both are attack actions?, i tought that the rule was about the two same actions, for example that you cant do two standard attacks.

So from what I am reading I can not cast unnatural aim then fire my weapon, but I can cast unnatural aim, use a half action aim then fire my first half action of the next round.