How is the gameplay? I think my daughter would like this and just wonder if she would like it and not get to bored with it.
Depends on her age I guess. Each game only lasts 5-15 minutes tops, so it's great for short attention spans. It's quite a good fast paced introduction to strategy games, and if you're up against a younger player it's easy to handicap yourself so they have a chance to win (have less penguins, have to win by a certain amount). But honestly, at this price, why not?. And it's got some pretty cute playing pieces...
My Boys are 5 and 7 and they both love it. It is simple enough for them, but has enough complexity for me. They love trapping my penguins so I lose them early on. Definately worth a try.
My 5 year old loves this game, but my 9 and 11 year old are usually willing to give it a go too. Purposely trapping penguins is a favorite move for my kids as well.