Expansion Dreams

By Mike, in Battlestar Galactica

So, I was thinking about what possible characters could show up in the first expansion. Pretty quickly, I settled for:

Anastasia Dualla

Leadership (2), Tactics (2), Engineering (1)

Communications Officer: Once per turn, after you activated the communications-location, you may take another action.

Emergency Jump Expert: Once per game, you may activate the FTL-location to have Galactica jump immediately. This jump can be initiated even if the jump preparation track would not allow it. After the jump, reduce the population resource by 1. Do not lose any other resources as result of the jump.

( I have yet to figure out a good disadvantage)

How about:

Disadvantage: Hero Worship of Adama Men

If the Lee Adama character is also in the game, roll the die at the start of each round where there are no Cylon raiders on the board. On a roll of 7 or 8, Dualla and Lee Adama both forfeit their turns (they are amorously involved).

I'm not so sure. Forefeiting two turns is extremely punishing. Also, the disadvantage should be in effect in every game, not only in those when Lee Adama is selected. How about...

Hero Worship: If there are no cylon raiders on the board at the start of your turn, discard two random skill cards.

Making her discard two instead of one card is fair in my eyes as to counter the quite game-winning jump-ability. Two cards should are also necessary because there should be a lot of situations in which there are raiders on the board. An alternative could be to punish her if she's no in communications center.

How about:

Disadvantage: Sageaterran Background

If Morale is lost during your Crisis Card phase, lose an additional -1 Morale due to racial hatred of Sagaterian.

Not sure of that spelling but you get the idea...

I like the idea, too, but think it's too heavy a disadvantage. Maybe tie it to a certain condition like a dice roll to alleviate this brutal punishment somehow?

Mike said:

So, I was thinking about what possible characters could show up in the first expansion. Pretty quickly, I settled for:

Anastasia Dualla

Leadership (2), Tactics (2), Engineering (1)

Communications Officer: Once per turn, after you activated the communications-location, you may take another action.

Emergency Jump Expert: Once per game, you may activate the FTL-location to have Galactica jump immediately. This jump can be initiated even if the jump preparation track would not allow it. After the jump, reduce the population resource by 1. Do not lose any other resources as result of the jump.

( I have yet to figure out a good disadvantage)

That once per game power is crazy broken. It particularly makes the initial setup of the game trivial.

Maybe once per game you can advance the jump track by one.

But even then that's a huge bennie...and to be honest, one that should almost always be played first as there are only a handful of cards that move the jump track back, so really what you're banking on is net jump track cards drawn.

I tend to agree. But remember that only she got the power - so you have to choose her. And a huge disadvantage could always offset it.

Anybody want to take on Admiral Caine? ;)

I don't know what you'd to for skill cards to keep her from being a clone of Adama or Saul but i'd love to see her once per game power to be

Replace an Ex O - Action: Lose one morale - draw 5 skill cards

After all, who isn't going to do what she says after she does that?

Okay. Add this up with:

Executive Authority: Lose 5 skill cards to send one other character to the sickbay.

I have a feeling that the first expansion is going to introduce the Pegasus and focus a lot more on encouraging conflict between the humans in the game (as this was a big theme of Season 2). I think Mike's Executive Authority idea is a good one and fits in well with this theme.

I like that better than mine. Mine was really targeted at her throwing herself at Lee.