Storage Organization

By Horsa, in Tannhauser

One problem I am running into is that I have so many cards and counters that it is taking a while just to set up a game.

Has anyone a simple storage idea that will facilitate ease of set up?

Personally I use a tool component box IE for small screws, nuts, wires etc.

I use small plastic bags with ziplock, they are easy to use, cheap and keep everything organized on the game box if you remove the original plastic dividers, but to hold everytying i still gotta run 2 boxes...

Otar said:

I use small plastic bags with ziplock, they are easy to use, cheap and keep everything organized on the game box if you remove the original plastic dividers, but to hold everytying i still gotta run 2 boxes...

Same here. But at the moment I am thinking about switching to Otar´s solution.

I use small tool compnent boxes too. 2 Boxes for each Faction where each figure has its seperate compartment (together with its tokens). So it´s very bulky, but the tokens are easy to find. the only problem are the equipment cards... they are too large for the compartment boxes... maybe I´ll shot a photo of it later.

I do like Otar, but it isn't too comfortable... open and close... open/colse, open/close...

oh I've fogotten this token out, re-open and re-colse, I need another rubble token (open-close)... The worst is to put away, but it's a well organized method.

This is my box:

The worst for the zip-bag method is, that you have to search for each and every token, which takes a lot of time. With boxes you still have to open them a lot, but everything has its place.

I posted cards a while back, which is what we use. Here is an example:


The left is the front, the right the back. We place them in hard plastic sleeves and mark on them using dry-erase markers.

Health levels are crossed out as they are used, items are crossed out if they are not chosen in your pack, and as they are used.

Using this we store figures only with their deployable (placed) items. The droppable items we handle this way:

We leave dead units on the board so we know where they died. If they are looted we cross the item off their card and write it in the empty space of the looting character. In the very rare case of a looted item being picked up and then dropped elsewhere we'll place a (green) colored glass bead to designate where it dropped.

We use specific colored glass beads to mark hallways affected by (blue) smoke and (red) fire as well.

This way all we need are the cards, the figure and a handful of deployable items which we store with the figures in a large craft tray- like those used to store beads or small bolts and washers.

So our storage is bags holding cards and the command points stored with the boards in a single Tannhauser box, and the craft tray holding characters tokens and beads.

(to add in)Nobikaigan also made us the same awesome crates that Miah uses , which fit in a dice rolling tray that we store in the box with the cards and boards.

Carlos Castaneda said:

I do like Otar, but it isn't too comfortable... open and close... open/colse, open/close...

oh I've fogotten this token out, re-open and re-colse, I need another rubble token (open-close)... The worst is to put away, but it's a well organized method.

This is my box:

To make it more clear the small bags i use have inside them: the figurine, the cards and the tokens (including bonus tokens) for it. So you just gotta open it up, make your selections then store back the unused stuff, at the end all you gotta do is put everything back in the same bag. For each figurine 1 bag. I have another bag with smoke/fire/debris on it. Another one with the crates and the cards for it. Another bag with flags. Another one with dice. Another one with bonus tokens and cards. Another one with... Well anything i missed here since im doing this from memory. All of them, you open up get what you need for the setup then put back the rest. In the end just place the right stuff in the right place, really its the same as a storage box but less bulky and cost virtually nothing i got 2 packs of different sizes with 100 bags each for like $5 (R$8 in BRL). The only reason i use 2 boxes is because of the maps, 3 of them are almost half a box, so with cardboards and everything it just dont fit in 1 box. So i have 1 box with cardboards and every small bag plus the other one with maps, manuals and generic stuff i dont use much like scenario tokens.

Im going to post some pictures later when i get home.

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First of all sorry for my crappy camera phone but here are the pics of my boxes and i believe everything is organized and easy to use for the cheapest idea i could find =)


hopefully this time it works- described in my last post which apparently i can't edit.

Thank you for your ideas. All are more effective than the one I have. Not sure which way to go but you have given me a lot to think about.

Wow, now I have found a box where you can remove some of its interior borders: now I have all the parts of one faction plus its equipment cards in one large tool component box (the size of one A letter). I´m sorry, but I can´t upload here photos, or else I would have showed you the boxes.

And yes, those boxes are bulky and more expensive (around 7$ each box), but every sort of token, figure + its tokens + cards has its space - and everything is easy to find.

But I started some time ago with those zip-bags which Otar uses too. But the time I searched for a specific bag and token was too long for me, so I switched to the boxes.