
By reptar33, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

Has anyone heard of an expansion coming out? There are many possibilities, just didn't know if there were any rumors yet gran_risa.gif

Plenty of hopes... babeo.gif

No rumours yet though that I've heard.

Have just about everything crossed for.....

1) New Teams

I would like to see Undead (either Undead or Khemri/Necromantic), Dark Elves, Goblins, Halflings, and then maybe Norse, High Elves, Lizardmen.

They all have signature players that would make interesting team decks. The only issue would be making them sufficiently different to the existing teams. How do you keep Dark Elves different to Skaven - both are speedy and good with the ball, and happy to cheat :) There are also some staple blood bowl themes that would be tough to replicate/represent. Regen on Undead for example, although that just screams for a team upgrade. That and stuntyfor Halflings/Goblins.

But I would love to see a Gobbo team with Chainsaw Loony, 2xTroll, Fanatic, Bombadier, Pogostick and then 6 Gobbos who will suck slightly, or a Halfling team with maybe 4 treemen and a bunch of halflings, but including an upgrade that lets you steal a player at a match up (Chef) or if too game breaking, steals a staff upgrade for the week.

Like real Blood Bowl, there is an arguement that not all teams necessarily need to be equal in the matchups, but they might be able to generate a lot of fans, as everyone loves to see Halflings get squashed!!! and that balances the teams in relation to this game.

2) New Star Players

Hubris Rakarth, Ramtut III, The Count, Nobbla, Harkon Heartripper, Prince Moranion, Ripper Bolgrot, Puggy Baconbreath; there are a lot of star players that are not currently illustrated in card form. Maybe even a seperate deck for the Undead/Dark Elf teams... but certainly more players for the existing decks.

3) New Team Upgrades for the existing teams.

Some more cards to change things up would be cool. After several games you soon know what each team is capable of.

Ultimately, extra teams would be great to keep changing things up.... and some new upgrades that existing teams can use to keep the play experience fresh.

What... no love for the ladies? looking forward to Amazones. Is it because they are such dodgy characters? demonio.gif

Seriously though, I also would like to see haflings, goblins, vamps, lizardmen, norse and undead...

Here's hoping aplauso.gif

I'm on the side with Gmax101: not every team needs to have an equal chance and some are too similar to differentiate in the card game. For example, the tabletop game had a total of 4 elf teams (wood elf, dark elf, pro elf, high elf).

That being said, I would love to have a larger pool of team upgrades. I like the thematic nature of what is there, but they are just so small. I seem to get the same upgrades by the end of every game. I would like to see expansions in the future perhaps featuring 2 additional teams and then additional cards for the existing pool. My first choice: Goblin/Lizardmen combo pack.

i could see a goblin/halfling pack. I think for balance, it would have to have one team from each league that way both would get new star players.

Talking by expansion and only one tournament in the roster but I will be very happy with a set of rules or players or roster sheet to play a campaing.

Like the house rules about injuries/deaths witren in other post in this forum.

I was thinking in a way to make my own....

Maybe new cards showing the improved teams in a campaing: A more powerful dwarf runner, a better passer elf or a skaven with 2 heads lol.

At least I have a simple Excel sheet to record the fans in each tournament and auto calculate the fans by team and by player :)

Looking forward for an undead or a wood elf team both may favorites

royalfa said:

Talking by expansion and only one tournament in the roster but I will be very happy with a set of rules or players or roster sheet to play a campaing.

Like the house rules about injuries/deaths witren in other post in this forum.

I was thinking in a way to make my own....

Maybe new cards showing the improved teams in a campaing: A more powerful dwarf runner, a better passer elf or a skaven with 2 heads lol.

At least I have a simple Excel sheet to record the fans in each tournament and auto calculate the fans by team and by player :)

Looking forward for an undead or a wood elf team both may favorites

Um, you've seen the cards, right? There is a two headed Skaven and the wood elves are one of the teams already.

THe game is ripe for expansion modules - ideally ones that do not alter the core rules - so extra teams are a gift as there are loads of teams not yet in the game. A quick blister pack with the roster, star players to add to the mix and a team upgrade deck and you have a small self contained upgrade pack.

Themed expansions would do well - for instance a Lustria expansion pack could do you a third conference deck and include Lizardmen, Amazons and the halfway houses of Dark Elves and/or High Elves. Do that as a set and you could do a paired pack of two teams to expand the existing conferences or similar.

Lots of possiblities all surrounding a core method of adding new teams to the game.

I like the idea of a themed expansion with Amazons and Lizardmen, but as an old school BB player, I would love to see Undead, Goblins and Halflings (with Treemen) too. I agree each team, new and old need more individual team upgrades to add variety while keeping the teams unique playing style.

Great game FF, now keep the momentum going!


PS - Do not buzz kill the momentum with Print N Play expansions.