Roster Shuffle

By MinistryOfDice, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

So my gaming group and I got our first game in on Monday night. One question that came up was this:

Do you shuffle your roster after the week is done? So after you have resolved all the matchups and payouts, do you shuffle all the player cards you have together?

Any help is appreciated..

MinistryOfDice said:

So my gaming group and I got our first game in on Monday night. One question that came up was this:

Do you shuffle your roster after the week is done? So after you have resolved all the matchups and payouts, do you shuffle all the player cards you have together?

Any help is appreciated..

No.. only when you've exhausted your draw pile - from pg 8 Maintenance Phase
2. Replenish Hand: Each manager draws cards from his Team deck until he has six cards in his hand. (Important: Each time a manager’s Team deck becomes depleted, he shuffles his discard pile and places it facedown to form a new Team deck, and then continues drawing if necessary.)

The only exception to this would be when you draft a player during the Freebooter phase.. in which case you collect your "Roster" - your Roster is your discard, draw and any players you have in hand (though it's unlikely you'll have any players in your hand during the scoreboard phase) - and shuffle them all together, including the Freebooters you just drafted... but NOT including any other Star Players you just drafted in that scoreboard phase.. Non-Freebooter Star Players that were just drafted go on top of your deck after any "freebooter shuffle".

I agree that The Finn has the rules exactly right, but I forgot that bit after the first round of the first game I played and shuffled the whole deck. In a way, I kinda like shuffling the entire deck after each round better. It adds a little more variance. Anyone else do this?