New user, confused as to end game rules

By AceMilo, in Gears of War: The Board Game

Hey guys, I'm still getting used to the game and have a quick question about the end of the game. On emergence day, there's 2 missions: close the emergence hole and kill everyone. My question is, what happens if you kill everyone BEFORE closing the hole? According to the card, it's game over, but the first condition was never met (closing hole).

Thanks for the help!

when you close the emergence hole, something happens. as long as its open more can come, so you must close the hole first, and then deal with what comes through the door. enjoy

There aren't two missions, but rather two mission stages with distinct objectives. When Stage 1 is active (before you close the e-hole) Stage 2 is not in play and it won't affect it (so killing all locust does exactly nothing). Furthermore - fliping the stage 1 card guarantees you'll get some locust in play to have fun with during Stage 2 :)

Thanks for the help guys!