There was a big argument last night about resolving ties at a Tournament, and some lack of clarity in the winning and payout rules.
Determine Winner
To recap (page 13):
1. The manager whose team has the highest Star Power is the winner
2. In case of a tie, the team with the ball carrier is the winner
3a. In case of a tie at a highlight when the ball is at midfield, ... a draw
3b. In case of a tie at a tournament when the ball is at midfield, the first manager decides which tied team has higher Star Power
Example Star Player scores : 6, 6, 4(with ball), 2
Resolution: Case 1 there is no 'highest' SP, so we go to case 2, which awards the game to ... the team with 4 star player points ?!?
Or even worse example scores : 4, 4, 4, 0(with ball) - where last place wins! And also collects Runner Up as the 'second highest score'?!?
Runner Up Award
1. The manager with the second-highest star power is the runner-up.
What if there are two teams tied for second? Example 5 (with ball), 4, 4, 1
Do both, neither, or just one of the teams with four points get the award? I am looking for clarity here first on whether we use the same criteria for ranking as the winning decision to select a single runner up, or whether instead 'tied runners up' awards either both or neither teams. Also, if there is no Runner Up awarded, does the payout for Runner Up get allocated to the Winner as well, or just ignored?
Unopposed Tournament
If I win a tournament unopposed, what award(s) do I collect? The Note on page 13 suggests I get ALL of the Winner, Runner Up and Lose awards (ouch!).
Perhaps we could lock down the wording a little better something like this:
The manager whose team has the highest Star Power is the Winner. In a tournament, the manager whose team has the next highest Star Power is the Runner Up. The other manager(s) Lose.
1. In case of teams tying for Star Power, a team including the ball carrier is considered higher amongst those tied teams.
2. In case of a teams tying for Star Power not including the ball carrier, the First Manager determines the ranking of those tied teams.
I used 'ranking' instead of 'higher' because for a three way tie, the first manager may have to separate all three to get a winner, runner up and loser as would happen with the worse example above.