I've been running DW for sometime now and, for the first time i got to kill somebody last game. While i'm not happy about killing players i did get a sense of satisfaction from killing him. His charachter was causing some serious issues in the group due to his hatred of being healed and almost seemed like he was trying to kill himself. i decided that since he seemed really into making an Iron Hand techmarine that maybe if i let him he would calm down. Now I said last game even though we tried to play last week. When he introduced his iron hand i found out that he was mostly metal. Being that he was an Iron Hand i understood. But he is telling me that he has more Ap in total with his bionics and Armour that he has more Ap then a terminator. Also he Claimed to have mechadendrites. I'm not even sure if that is in the books yet. This caused so much tension the devestator pc got up screamed at me and actually put a few dents in his metal door. So i have a few questions for anyone willing to help.
1. Is it possible for a rank 2 techmarine to have that many Bionics and actually have an Ap more then a terminator.
2. Are mechadendrites in RoB or the core book and if so what page. I cannot locate them.
3. If the answer to the above was yes can this marine fit into a drop pod or landspeeder. i want to say yes to the drop pod but, i'm not entirely sure on the land speeder.
Thanks for any help my group is getting out of hand.