I bought Death Angel today. Set it up. 1st turn a Space Marine dies... Is this normal?
Really disappointed...
Whos said:
I bought Death Angel today. Set it up. 1st turn a Space Marine dies... Is this normal?
Only 1 dead? No, that doesn't sound normal, anything up to 3 dead can be normal
As Dam said, this game is not a walk in the park! I guess the difficulty level is part of its appeal.
I usually spend the first couple of turns building up support and moving marines to build a cohesive defensive formation. Leaving a marine without support at the mercy of a swarm may pay off one or two times if you are lucky, but it unfortunately won't get you far very often...
Good luck to you
It can happen with poor planning, and since you are new to the game, it makes sense. A good starting tactic is to put one support token on each marine at a location card, so that they have a greater chance of surviving.