FFG please throw us a bone

By john_nld, in Star Wars: The Card Game

Well as with all games by FFG it tends to be really silent between announcement and release. I want to start this topic as a sort of petition to have a monthly bit of news.

this can be all sorts of news.


playtest news

production (problems)


saga info

whatever anything. I am hungry for news just as we all are. By now there should be something they can throw at us

And off course I am the first one to digitaley sign this pettition

I second this notion.

Digitally signing now...

I agree, it has been way too quiet on FFG's part, any news would be exciting.


I just want a release date.. though at the same time it would be nice to have this LCG get all the rules text correct b4 publishing :P



Has card images taken from GenCon demo i think it was... work in progress but gives yo uan idea.. also has a battle report so you get an idea of gameplay

Sign me up on this! Some artwork to get us hungry for the final images, and the rules (when ready) would be great to see!

+1. I want some news, a release date, a picture, anything.

I sign also !

Rules would be the best to understand the possibilities of this game gran_risa.gif

but I'm taking anything, cards, art work...

I imagine we'll start seeing some info in the new year... maybe sooner. LotR LCG got announced in August and had an article a few weeks later with a very basic overview. Then nothing till November 17th 2010.

If SW follows the same pattern we'll start seeing a slow trickle of info soon.

Regardless I don't think they'll release SW LCG till April 2012 at the earliest. Got to give LotR' LCG at least a year in the spot light before you introduce another game into the LCG line.


wraith428 said:

Regardless I don't think they'll release SW LCG till April 2012 at the earliest. Got to give LotR' LCG at least a year in the spot light before you introduce another game into the LCG line.

Now I wouldn't mind that so much if they actually told us a release date. To me, "Early 2012" means January/February and maybe March, but I have the feeling that "early" just means the first half of the year. It's a good point about LotR, I just wish they'd announced a mid-2012 release date if they knew ahead of time that they were gonna give LotR a year by itself before bringing out SW. Oh well -- it won't come out 'till it's out.

Budgernaut said:

wraith428 said:

Regardless I don't think they'll release SW LCG till April 2012 at the earliest. Got to give LotR' LCG at least a year in the spot light before you introduce another game into the LCG line.

Now I wouldn't mind that so much if they actually told us a release date. To me, "Early 2012" means January/February and maybe March, but I have the feeling that "early" just means the first half of the year. It's a good point about LotR, I just wish they'd announced a mid-2012 release date if they knew ahead of time that they were gonna give LotR a year by itself before bringing out SW. Oh well -- it won't come out 'till it's out.

I'm thinking "early" means Jan, Feb, March, or April. I figure, if you break a calendar year into early/middle/end, then you're dividing it by 3, so 12 / 3 = 4, and that's how I get the 4 month window.

Hopefully we'll get a holiday present with some info in the next month or so...

Its been some time since the initial announcement, I think its definitely about time they gave us something. Even if its in the form of Star Wars avatars lol.

Its been some time since the initial announcement, I think its definitely about time they gave us something. Even if its in the form of Star Wars avatars lol.

Sign me up! Us rabid SW fans are hungering for more! Come on FFG! Throw us a bone here!!

Budgernaut said:

Now I wouldn't mind that so much if they actually told us a release date. To me, "Early 2012" means January/February and maybe March, but I have the feeling that "early" just means the first half of the year. It's a good point about LotR, I just wish they'd announced a mid-2012 release date if they knew ahead of time that they were gonna give LotR a year by itself before bringing out SW. Oh well -- it won't come out 'till it's out.

Yea I would bet "early" is a relative term and does mean the first half of the year, since the AGoT community is waiting for a box that was going to be released "late" 2012 or "4th quarter" 2012 and we still don't have a release date. I hope our group can afford to play this and AGoT and LotR, so many LCGs!

ANYTHING would be appreciated. 3 months (a few days till 4 months) with NOTHING is nonsense. Don't announce then leave us hanging for 1/3 of a year. Next time just don't announce till you can/will begin adding updates as you go along. This is not a complaint, just an idea for BETTER customer relations, we ARE paying for you to have this opportunity after all...

First off, DarthBoromir, you have an awesome screen name. Second, I don't know what FFG's history is for giving updates on their games, but if this kind of an delay is unusual for them, it does make some sense. The reason they announced SW:TCG was so they could go get some play-testing at GenCon. They couldn't very well bring it there without making an official announcement -- not with something as big as Star Wars. It could be that the feedback they received has caused them to really go back and change some stuff so they really aren't ready to give updates. But with the Early 2012 release date fast approaching, the lack of updates is making me wonder whether we won't see these games till late summer. Despite my speculative reasoning for why there aren't any updates, I check this site at least twice a day to look for updates and new forum posts. I'd really, really like to see some official FFG news.

DarthBoromir said:

This is not a complaint, just an idea for BETTER customer relations, we ARE paying for you to have this opportunity after all...

The last report I've seen was from November 15th and the game was still very much in its prototype state. More previews simply don't make a lot of sense right now because _nothing_ is fixed yet. If they previewed a feature that doesn't make it into the final game, the howls of indignation would be a lot worse.

So, just be patient (and play some of the other LCGs in the meantime)!

Still in prototype stage? The "upcoming" section of the website lists it as "At the Printers!"

DrNate said:

Still in prototype stage? The "upcoming" section of the website lists it as "At the Printers!"

Excellent point! I hadn't noticed that before. Seeing that it was out of the development phase, I decided to look at the announcement history of Lord of the Rings (because I've only been on this site since SW was announced). I was shocked to see that it was announced in August, but had multiple announcements each month leading up to its April released. Here we are with SW, which was also announced in August, and we have yet to see a second announcement about the product in 4 months. All along I thought maybe frequent updates just weren't FFG's thing, but LotR proved me wrong. Now I definitely think we're overdue for an update on this product. But maybe FFG doesn't care about the SW line. Or maybe they feel like everything they have to say has been said in LotR. Maybe they're just too busy with other titles that are closer to completion. Maybe they haven't finished development after all, though they report they have. Maybe they're waiting till they have the Force Packs out of development. Maybe their server is too full for that many updates. Okay, I'm running out of what-if scenarios. There are dozens of things that could explain why they haven't given us an update, but when it comes down to it, I don't want an explanation for the lack of updates -- I just want to see an update. And if the game is truly past development, it shouldn't be too hard for them to give the kinds of updates they gave for LotR.

I'm sure they are waiting for Xmas as a present lengua.gif

Armikis I've had the same thought. It may also be that they're waiting until they have something solid in hand given the release nightmares they had with LOTR.

DrNate said:

Still in prototype stage? The "upcoming" section of the website lists it as "At the Printers!"

Unfortunately I read some earlier posts (Aug 02) that mentioned the same thing. In other words, it's been "at the printers" for as long as it's been announced, so that isn't really news after all. Too bad.

armakis said:

I'm sure they are waiting for Xmas as a present lengua.gif

"I hope so, Commander, for your sake."

Well, Christmas has come and gone. Still no update.