Maybe this is nit picky, but why did they do it again?!? I get the ccg, there is no Tyrell faction. They are in this game. Renly is the king they are backing. He dies, they align with another house becasue they have no claimant to the throne. I could complain about other characters, but at least they are on the same sides if at different times. Without Renly leading them the Tyrells don't fight against all the other houses. They sit out or marry their daughter to someone and back them. *Foams at mouth and descends into incoherent madness*
*Gains moment of lucidity* Oh, and the show will explain all this next season and has already made it pretty clear this is going to happen so they only people that will be confused are people who haven't read the books or watched the show AND don't have anyone at the table that can explain it. You know, all those times when six people get together to play a game based on a best selling book series with a popular televisions series curretly airing and no one knows what the heck it is about. ARRGH, GARBLE, GRAGH!