a few questions about how often Team and Staff upgrades can be used

By chainsaw_ash, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager


can more than one team and staff upgrade be used per matchup?

Are they only used after all the players have been committed or can you use one each time a new player is committed (assuming its not tapped)?

Can I use several immediately after each other?


chainsaw_ash said:


can more than one team and staff upgrade be used per matchup?

Are they only used after all the players have been committed or can you use one each time a new player is committed (assuming its not tapped)?

Can I use several immediately after each other?


Yes, you can use more than one per matchup and even more than one per turn BUT there are some restrictions.

1) Commit a player. Resolve his skills.

2) Use ONE Matchup Action if you want to

You can use as many Responses as you like though.