As Good As...

By Lord Jolius, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I received Descent as a gift from my girlfriend (an awesome girlfriend she is gran_risa.gif ) and i love pleaying it except for one problem....which I will discuss later.

I was curious...if i like Descent, what other FFG board gamewould you recommend for me to try? I have been looking at Tannhausen and wondering, but I would like some other opinions. Anybody?

I haven't played Runescape but I've heard good things.

I really enjoyed Android.

I've really enjoyed Arkham Horror as a bit of a change (Everyone's on the same side), but I've also heard that Runescape is similar to Descent... just with it being more of a free-for-all.

You might check out your local gaming store, though... I know of a few both here in Oregon and in Maryland that has open copies of games and will take you through demos of all that they have.

The Euro style gameplay of Lord of the ring the boardgame is top notch. Top Knizia mechanic, balanced, fully coop (all against the board)...

Great fun.

If you like Descent, Doom is very, very similar, and quite a bit shorter to play. It's really best with the expansion, though.

EDIT: Uh...Runescape? Do you guys mean Rune bound ?

I honestly do not recommend Runebound - takes long to play, with little player interaction; while it is impossible to die permanently, very often a player will have no chance of winning from the first third of the game onward, but it will still take 2 more hours.

Runebound, as others mentioned, might be up your alley. Arkham Horror is a nice change of pace, but not everyone's cup of tea. If you love the strategy of Descent, than I'd recommend something along the lines of Twilight Imperium, or some other more wargame feature.

All of these, of course, are long games. But then again, so is Descent.

Thundercles said:


EDIT: Uh...Runescape? Do you guys mean Rune bound ?

This could quite possibly explain why I've never played it. I've been asking for the wrong game at my local store for a year now serio.gif

Kidding, I'm just a dumb-ass.

Im a big fan of talisman as an easy break to descent its adversarial but a verry good time.. Ive heard arkham is good and have considdered getting it several times unfortunatly I never buy a game unless I will play it that same day or within 24 hours and It was late on a sunday with early work so i elected not to :(

Arkham is a lot of fun for my brother and I, but some in our gaming group really don't like it. It's a matter of taste. I find it IS a bit more involved rules-wise than Descent, but like with Descent, as long as one person has a strong grasp of the rules, he can pull the game along nicely.

With Runebound, the base game really doesn't have a lot in terms of player interaction (in my opinion) I've had a lot more fun with the Island of Dread and Sands of Al-Kalim expansions... There are also mini-expansions that give more variety to your gameplay, with different endgames, and cards you can play on yourself or your opponents, though I haven't tried them yet.

Also, though it's not FFG, you should look into the 4th Edition of D&D. I haven't read the rules myself yet, but my brother was telling me that it seems to play sort of like an advanced Descent. Worth looking into, I think.