Well, everything on the Battlelore front continues to be deathly silent (even the upcoming BOW expansion has not been mentioned for ages, let alone get released).
Are they letting Battlelore die a slow, silent death or do they have something planned for the future?
Yes, this comes up often, but for Pete's sake, when the hell are FFG going to say something? Should we stop waiting for future releases? If so, please tell us so that we aren't sitting here frustrated. If you are planning to release more, just say that is your intention. We don't necessarily need a timeline - we just want to know if the game is dead or not... if it is, sell it to someone who will actually produce new content for it. Memoir 44 continues to grow through DOW, C&C: Ancients and Napoleonics continues to grow through GMT. Battlelore is (despite its patchy history) very popular as a Command and Colours game and as a game in its own right. It would be great to see it continue to grow as well... if not at FFG, then somewhere else. We want our C&C: Fantasy game!