State of the Game? Forthcoming expansions? Anything?

By Boromir_and_kermit, in Battlelore

Well, everything on the Battlelore front continues to be deathly silent (even the upcoming BOW expansion has not been mentioned for ages, let alone get released).

Are they letting Battlelore die a slow, silent death or do they have something planned for the future?

Yes, this comes up often, but for Pete's sake, when the hell are FFG going to say something? Should we stop waiting for future releases? If so, please tell us so that we aren't sitting here frustrated. If you are planning to release more, just say that is your intention. We don't necessarily need a timeline - we just want to know if the game is dead or not... if it is, sell it to someone who will actually produce new content for it. Memoir 44 continues to grow through DOW, C&C: Ancients and Napoleonics continues to grow through GMT. Battlelore is (despite its patchy history) very popular as a Command and Colours game and as a game in its own right. It would be great to see it continue to grow as well... if not at FFG, then somewhere else. We want our C&C: Fantasy game!

yes we do!


Yes, please do come out with new Battlelore races (i.e. ELVES) and continue to build this game. Also, I just started playing Memoir 44 online on Days of Wonder site and happily paid $60 for 2500 gold credits to play online. PLEASE ...PLEASE... do a similar quality Battlelore online offering. You will make a fortune!

Westeros is NOT Battlelore, please either fully support Battlelore or sell it back to Days of Wonder!

hey Chicken, 30$ for 2500 GC you mean right?

ja, DoW was so better with Battlelore...

skolo said:

hey Chicken, 30$ for 2500 GC you mean right?

sorry, indeed 30$ ;-)

Here's a thought I had...probably nothing to it, and some people would probably not like the idea, but I was wondering if FFG was planning on producing Star Wars BattleLore in the style of the video game Galactic Empires. FFG did buy the rights to produce Star Wars products. As I read the news about this, the implication was that several Star Wars-type games would be produced (besides just the card game and the X-Wing game).

I'm a big fan of medieval battles and I would much rather FFG focus on BattleLore as is. However, I think a sci-fi battle game would also be cool. Dust Tactics looks cool, but it's mighty expensive and it seems to be a smaller, skirmish scale game as compared to BattleLore. Star Wars seems to lend itself to a BattleLore-type of game, and I imagine it would sell very well indeed. Considering Wizards of the Coast is no longer making the Star Wars miniatures game, there is a sort of vacuum in the market for a Star Wars miniatures battle game. The command and colors system would seem a perfect fit for a game of this type.

Here's some ideas: You could start with an initial, big box set, containing Rebel forces vs. Imperial forces. Included would be basic infantry types and specialized infantry types, like snipers, scout troopers, whatever. You could then include some vehicles, like speeder bike units, an AT-ST or an AT-AT. You could use probe droids and even creatures, like the Wampa or Rancor. I would think at least two maps should be included, or one double-sided map. You might want to do a generic woodland battlefield, and then a desert or snow based battlefield.

Expansions sets could be limitless. You could do bounty hunters, jedi and sith heroes, Tuskan Raiders, whatever. If the line really took off, you could do more big box expansions, like the Clone Wars expansion. Also, I think unique map packs to capture a variety of planetary terrain would be cool. FFG spent money to buy the rights to BattleLore and the Star Wars license. Why not combine the two? I think Star Wars BattleLore would take off like wildfire.

I was thinking about the same idea. Battlore style Star Wars. It woudl be great idea.

Yes, but imagine the special rule exceptions! - If you roll a dice - Rebels hit. Stormtroopers - If you roll a green emblem, you get a second roll and if you get a green emblem you get a third roll and if you get a green emblem you cause a piece of concrete next to a rebel soldier to blacken a bit and the rebel solider gets a tad dusty.

You'd need special command decks for each power -

Rebel cards would say thing like: 'Green Banners - all green banner troops - ah, what the hell - activate all your troops'

Imperials: 'We'll deal with your Rebel friends soon enou... oh, wait, nooooooooo'

Tuskan Raiders: 'You may order three units to ARRRRRRRR, ARRRR, ARRRR, ARRRRRRRRRRRR this turn'

The list goes on!

The other thing they'll do is change the rules like they did with BoW and turn it into another game with the BL badge but absolutely nothing to do with BL or CnC games.

Not bitter in the corner, honest.


seeing what they did - Battlelore is already dead and we need to open to other possibilities.

skolo said:

seeing what they did - Battlelore is already dead and we need to open to other possibilities.

Yup I agree it's called dystopian wars until Mr B can find a way to get his ideas for BL out to market.

I've only got a few BL sets left that I want so will get those as and when but I feel zero brand loyalty to FFG and it'll take them a while for me to feel the love

Out of general principal I will shun any game where they slap a BL label on a game box if its not a BL expansion. Yup petty silly and what not but it's the only way I can register a protest that FFG will listen to (their bottom line). A BL Star wars game wouldn't be BL it would be a Star Wars game with mostly different rules (it wouldn't even be in the CnC 'family') with a medieval fantasy logo stuck to it!


Yeah, I agree. They would change it too much.

But in all honesty, I'm not interested in a Star Wars Battlelore. I want the fantasy version to continue.

I just wish they would say something or do something about it - its intensely frustrating. Interestingly enough, the BOW latest expansion announced still hasn't seen the light of day. It seems there have been a few things dropping off the radar lately.

A state of the game in general would be a great thing. Clear the air and let us know whether BL has a future or not. If not, sell it off so it can have a future.

guys, thats a wishful thinking.

we are struggling to get any kind of faq or answers to Warhammer RPG line since I dont know when

that is just FFG`s approach and it SUCKS BALLS

It really seems that FFGs marketing approach is to no longer support games at any length but to focus on one new game after another. They have let most of their older games that were once heavily supported slip into limbo. They seem to be releasing a new game every month now with nothing for older games. Its sorta sad and has kinda taken some of my interest in FFGs products away. I dont really want to buy every new thing that they shove out every month. I would like to see expansions of games I already enjoy. So many of their games are so open ended and clearly designed to be expanded and however are now net getting anything. Sad. I am more inclined to look to games like Combat Commander and good ole C&C for some love. At least they continue to get added to. I dont really expect we will see the level of support for Descent 2e that the first game enjoyed.

Amen, brother.

I wanted to get battlelore, but when I was going to get it, it was out of stock at every store!

I have read the instructions, and wanted it for christmas.