Terminator Armour Subsystems?

By Hardcore Heathen, in Black Crusade

Hey, quick question. Was looking at the section on Power Armour Sub-systems, and noticed that it comes before Terminator Armour. There's also no mention that Terminator Armour gets subsystems (nor is there mention that it doesn't). It specifically states, "The following sub-systems can be a part of any suit of power armour: [stuff]".

Does that include terminator armour? I would think so; it *is* a sort of power armour...

I would assume so, as the customization table is for both Power armour and Terminator armour, and one of the things on the table is the "Careful Maintenance". Careful Maintenance states that the item gets 5 total subsystems instead of the usual 3 and it doesn't say to re-roll if you are in Terminator armour.

Update: There's a section in Terminator Armour that gives it an upgraded version of auto-senses if you select the auto-senses subsystem. So they have to have subsystems. Thought so.