Rune Age: FAQ Questions

By YourBestFriend, in Rune Age

Hello everyone!

We are starting work on an official FAQ for Rune Age.

If there are any questions or issues that you'd like addressed in the FAQ, please post them here. Note that this thread is for questions only (we will not be posting answers here).

Thanks for playing!

Where do non-reward neutral enemies go when killed (ex. Dragonlord Ghox)? Does the enemy go in the discard pile that gets reshuffled when the event deck is up, or is he removed from game? Also, if, for example, Hoarding Dragon forces you to destroy 1 Reward card, does it get discarded and reshuffled when event deck is up, is it put back in the neutral area with other enemies, or is it removed from game?

Thieves guild event card.

Does player can remove 3-Gold card from Central Play area? In card text - Common Play area is mentioned.


Summon Lightning: does a unit you control need to be wounded before your opponent destroys a unit of his? If it is not possible to wound a unit of your own (i.e. Summon Lightning is the first card you play as defender during a siege), does Summon Lightning do nothing or does it still force the opponent to choose and destroy a unit he controls?
Suggestion: wording Summon Lightning as follows, similar to Manticore:
When Played: Wound 1 of your units. If you do, your opponent must choose and destroy 1 of his participating units.

Plague of Vermin should read "(combination of gold/strength)", not "gold/influence".

The objective Runewars card reads: "When a player is defeated, the victor obtains the loser's dragon rune power card." However, if the defeated player had received an additional dragon rune from Dragon Rune Discovery or having previously defeated another player and gained his dragon rune power card, does the victor also obtain the second (even third) dragon rune power card too, or is it removed from the game in the same way Dragon Rune Discovery is?

Barbarian Invasion reads: "Each player may destroy any number of Gold cards from his hand. The players who destroyed the highest total value of cards may deal 4 damage to a Home Realm of his choice."
There are a few clarifications needed for this card.
1. How are gold cards revealed? One at a time? All at once? Does player turn order matter for revealing cards?
2. "The players who destroyed..." suggests the player with the least amount of destroyed gold cards is the only player not dealing 4 damage. Is this true, or was the text meant only for if there was a tie? If true, what happens when in a multi-player game, 2 players tie for least? What happens if all players tie? What if all players decide/cannot destroy any gold cards from their hands?
3. Lastly, who goes first in dealing 4 damage if there is a tie of sorts? After targets are declared, does damage become instantly dealt to both targets, or does turn order determine who will first be dealt the 4 damage? If all that matters is not being least in destroying gold from hand and not based on a tie, then in a multiplayer game, does the player who destroyed the most gold go first in dealing damage, is it based on turn order, or simply is damage instantly dealt once targets have been declared by each player?
Suggestion: let players reveal cards one at a time, exactly like a siege would be conducted. A player may pass revealing gold cards from his hand at any time. Once that player does, he cannot reveal any more gold cards to destroy, but other players may continue to do so. When all players have passed, the total is decided for which player(s) will gain the ability to deal 4 damage. Only players who have destroyed gold cards gain this ability, and only the player with the highest total deals 4 damage. If a tie, the first player chooses his target first, and the next player his target, and so forth. Whether damage is instantaneous or is decided by turn order is up to you (difference being potential draw games versus first players in turn order establishing in-game dominance/victory).

Clarification: Blood Fury prevents Flesh Ripper (possibly Summon Lightning) from activating because the rulebook states on Pg. 14: "Once a unit is wounded, it cannot be wounded again."

The choosing of neutral cities seems to come up a lot due, seems like a good candidate for a FAQ.

1.) For the Uthuk card "Chaos Lord," it states "When Played: Destroy or wound 1 participating unit (friendly or opposing)" Does this mean I could use him in a battle against the boss of the scenario Resurgence of the Dragonlords, which is considered an "Enemy," to automatically kill him and win the game? (My guess is there is a distinction between Unit and Enemy)

2.) When your home realm is attacked by an Instant (again like in Resurgence of the Dragonlords), you use the 5 cards in your hand to defend against the attack right? So if you are being attacked with 10, and you have 3 units that total a strength of 8 in your hand, that means that you assign 2 damage to your home realm? What then happens to those units that defended? Are they all wounded/destroyed, or they just get discarded?

3.) I've been playing solitaire only so far, and the only time I have had any units "wounded" is when I do it to myself with Flesh Ripper in order to give Berserker +2 strength. In other combat, are units only wounded when a card specifically uses the term wounded? Also, with "destroyed," are cards only destroyed if a card specifically states so (or when destroyed by the attrition die)

4.) The Uthuk card "Warlock Chieftain" states "End of Combat: Place 1 friendly unit, including this card, on top of your deck (instead of discarding or destroying it)." Since it says "end of combat" is combat considered defending against an instant, purchasing a stronghold, and basically using strength in any way? And for it's special, are you placing 2 cards total back on your draw pile, or just 1 card which can include the Warlock Chieftain himself?

These are questions I had posted in the Rules forum on BoardGameGeek, but thought it would be helpful for you to know these questions are being asked. Thanks!

Does Target mean 1 type of card or 1 physical card? Can you attack and gain all three strongholds in one turn? (Do they count as different targets?)

Can you use the same units for multiple attacks or do you have to build a new army for each attack?

In combat, can you split the influence generated by one source to fuel more than one unit's When Played ability? (Such as a Storm Sorceress exhausting to generate 2 influence for 2 Darnati Warriors or Riverwatch exhausting to generate 3 influence for a Darnati Warrior and a Pegasus Rider.)

Take note that, since this is in combat, it is NOT a Spend Influence Action.

In the battle rules it says you subtract the strength of the instant from the strength of your army to determine damage to your realm. So, if your army is STRONGER than the instant, your realm take damage? That seems backward!

Another thing I've noticed is the use of the word 'participating' in ability text. Here are 2 different Uthuk units.

Chaos Lord:

When played: Destroy or wound any 1 participating unit (friendly or opposing).

Flesh Ripper:

When played: Wound 1 friendly unit to draw 1 card.

Both have 'When played' abilities which implies combat. Confusing things even more are cards like the Manticore that say "participating opposing". The dropping of the word 'participating' almost makes it seem like you could target other units not in combat (if there were such a thing).

Is this just a case of inconsistent templating?

Would like to see this terminology clarified...

Regarding the Storm Sorceress:

Action: Claim this card as a Reward. (Exhaust this card to generate 2 Influence.) Destroy this card at the end of this turn.

Box errata: Destroy this card at the end of this turn only if you used her ability.

Which ability does it refer to?

If it refers to the Action ability, then this means it cannot be accumulated on the tableau over time. If it refers to the Influence generating ability, then it can be stockpiled on the tableau over time.

If when playing the Humans I want to take control of a neutral city, and let's say that my current hand consists of four 1 Gold cards and one 1 cost Unit. Seeing as I need 2 Strength to take control of the city; I decide to gamble with my 1 cost Unit (in hopes of drawing another 1 cost Unit) and fail. Does my Home Realm suffer 1 damage point?

The Litari Elves unit card reads: When Played: Refresh one city or stronghold you control. If I had 3 elves in my hand and there was nothing on the field for me to attack successfully, but there were some uncaptured neutral cities (with a defense of say 4 or more) could I play the elves as if i were attempting to take control of the city, knowing full well I don't have enough of an army to actually take the city, but just to use the elves for their "When Played" ability. There is no consequence in the book for failing to take control of a neutral city that's still in the central play area, and there is no written word that says i cannot attempt to take said city with too small of an army. So in my mind... as a strategy for the elves... instead of discarding the three elves that i cannot use to take over any thing else, why not just utilize them for their When Played ability by declaring a capture of a neutral city. Yes? No?

There seems to be a typo on p. 10 of the rulebook, where it explains what to do when a player has lost a battle against an Instant. It says to subtract the Instant from the Army and apply the result as damage. I assume this is backwards and you're meant to subtract the Army from the Instant.

Also, I assume that you randomly select the Neutral Cities that will be available at the beginning of the game, but I don't see where this is actually stated, so a clarification of that might be good.

Can I use Summon Lightning even if there are no enemy units? The Bowman specifically says his ability can't be used if there are no enemy units, but Summon Lightning doesn't, which makes me think it's perfectly legal to use it to wound the Uthuk Y'llan Berserker units.

Still no sign of the FAQ for Rune Age. I really hope this is released with Oath Anvil. I would be great to have these questions answered for all of the new players that the expansion will bring :) This is a really fun game and I have high hopes for this expansion!

Style75 said:

Still no sign of the FAQ for Rune Age. I really hope this is released with Oath Anvil. I would be great to have these questions answered for all of the new players that the expansion will bring :) This is a really fun game and I have high hopes for this expansion!

Agreed. Playing tonight with friends and the game was very, very fun and I loved the variety now that was lacking with the core.

The one question I have is do Mercenary cards that I "Forced March" or otherwise trash from my deck go back on top the merc deck, potentially covering better mercs underneath? Does the trashed card go off to the side, or on the bottom of the merc deck so the stronger cards have more chance of seeing play…?

Tromdial said:

Style75 said:

Still no sign of the FAQ for Rune Age. I really hope this is released with Oath Anvil. I would be great to have these questions answered for all of the new players that the expansion will bring :) This is a really fun game and I have high hopes for this expansion!

Agreed. Playing tonight with friends and the game was very, very fun and I loved the variety now that was lacking with the core.

The one question I have is do Mercenary cards that I "Forced March" or otherwise trash from my deck go back on top the merc deck, potentially covering better mercs underneath? Does the trashed card go off to the side, or on the bottom of the merc deck so the stronger cards have more chance of seeing play…?

Answered my own question this weekend. Just misread the rules and now see that the ascending order for the merc cards are not one whole deck. No other questions for now. Good product.

To clarify, are mythic units whenever they would be destroyed, are discarded instead; or is that only when the unit is in play? For example, Dragonlord Baraxis allows players to destroy cards from hand to lessen the damage from his attack. If one of those were a mythic unit, would it instead be discarded?

Summon Lightning: do you have to do all of the text for the card to work in full, or do you play it and perform the most of the text possible?

Marauders: It says if there is a tie, tied players choose in counter-clockwise order. So if this were a 4 player game of "The Quest for Power", would the 1st player still go if he were tied, and then it would go 4th, 3rd, 2nd? Or would it start with the 4th player in a tie, then 3rd, 2nd, and last 1st?

Guardian (Dwarf unit): "If an unwounded friendly unit would be destroyed in this combat, you may wound it instead." How many times can this unit's ability be used during a combat? Once, or may be used for as many friendly units would be destroyed during the combat? Does that ability count for the Guardian itself?

Warlock Chieftan (Uthuk unit): "End of Combat: Place 1 friendly unit, including this card, on top of your deck (instead of discarding or destroying it)."
Question 1: Is this card placing two units on top of the owner's deck: a friendly unit and the Warlock Chieftain itself, or is the Warlock Chieftain's text simply stating he can target himself?
Question 2: The Warlock Chieftain's ability only triggers at end of combat. Can I rewind and place a unit that was destroyed earlier during the combat on top of my deck?

I've also wondered about that. The rule book says when it's destroyed it is instead discarded so we've been playing it as such but what was the moderator responce

Tromdial said:

To clarify, are mythic units whenever they would be destroyed, are discarded instead; or is that only when the unit is in play? For example, Dragonlord Baraxis allows players to destroy cards from hand to lessen the damage from his attack. If one of those were a mythic unit, would it instead be discarded?

I was wondering the same thing care to share the answer you recieved?

The only answer I'd receive is either in this forum or an official faq when released. I have not pushed FFG for any kind of answer and am just being patient about it.

However, my personal assumption to mythics is that they cannot be destroyed from a deck, whether they may be in deck, hand, discard, play, etc. as per the wording in the expansion rules itself. That's how we play it and that's how I recommend others play as well til an official answer develops.