Im thinking about buying it i love Arkham Horror and i like the stories. Couldn´t you pay per month to get this game in the mail
Every new expansion?
Im thinking about buying it i love Arkham Horror and i like the stories. Couldn´t you pay per month to get this game in the mail
Every new expansion?
I suppose thats fine if theres no FLGS near you, but I'd rather help support my local games store even if it is only £9 a pack.
Amen to that. Supportling the local game store means a place to play with other players and a chance to get into the Organized Play program that FFG has started.
I like to support my store to but it is long way from my home, cost like 30 $ each time i go there with fuel. So i buy alot of games on the same time got a group of people that am playing with but i dont fink they are willing to buy a copy for them selfs. I got the games and the play att my house. Thats why I would like to get it mounthly instead of waiting to got to the store. =)
Is the game good?
Elnisch said:
I happen to like it a lot. I've played lots of different CCG's and this one is my favorite overall. The important question is why I like it so much... Well, the game is set up so that you have to make a lot of (difficult) choices during gameplay, and the game also gives you the opportunity to actually make those choices. And I like the theme. So, I think the game is good.
ugh, I've seen that demo movie, and I liked it a lot.
another addiction on the way, oh noes ..
I'd like to add a few reason i like this game :
1) There is no gold screw (mana screw, whatever you are fluent with) ... that means you can't make a crappy start with no land / gold producing holding / ... cause any card from your hand can be attached to a domain if you need it to be so there are not à#!$%ù game where you watch your opponend smack you down with no way to counter him ...
If you gold screw, it's your very own fault, you should have placed your ressoucerses otherway : )
2) In multi-player, there is no "elimination" (well you can still empty another player library but it's the only way) so no one will get kicked of the game 10 mins in and have to wait for another 20 mins to play again.
3) Deck bulding is very interesting, much more than in any other game i've player so far (and belive me i played a lot of CCG/LCG) cause there is 7 factions + neutral and you can play any to all factions ... First you have to thing about what kind of deck you want and then you'll realise there is at least 2 factions that can do it (most of the times) and that both of these faction can be really cool with different others ...
4) I love white bordered cards ;op nah, nah, just kidding, i don't really care about the border : )
5) There is a constant need to make the right choice (espec reguarding to attacking and defending stories) but few of the choices you'll make might cost you the game ... a single error can always be overcomed (unlike few other games i've played) but ... well ... if you screw too much, you screw too much.
6) I have never, so far (in like 200 games with 6 different decks, playing all factions), seen a game breaker card ... Even the ancient one don't make you win the game if you manage to play it (Yog-sothoth is kinda game breaked if you play it turn 4 and the small shub ancient one is really powerfull tho).
7) A game called "call of Cthulhu" is always good : p
8) LCG aren't as much as a money sink as CCGs, and in this time of crisis, it's a good point for them
but now i must confess there is 1 drawback to the game
1) it is a LCG, so there is about 100 new card each years, as opposed to the 450 cards released for your average CCG ... When you love to play one deck in particular, you might have to wait for quite some time to find cards that suits you well
Other than that, i love this game
I like the game primarily because of its theme and its "story"-mechanics. Reminds me of the old Shadworun CCG.
that draw back isnt that bad, they hope to release a pack every month. so we should get over 200 cards a year. thats about an expansion box per year without having rare chasing making it more expensive. the whole cost for lcg is about $360 a year, the price of two and half boxes maybe but youll get a playset of everything. im sure there are sets that players wont find the need to get a playset of the one-ofs in it. plus you can trade the cards you wont use.
didn't knew they planned on 12 AP a year, thought that would be like aGoT, 5 to 6 ...
Yeah 200 to 250 new card a year isn't that bad : )
Since i still haven't got any AP yet, i had a small question tho
Since AP are 40 cards strong but only 20 new cards are released, do we get 2 of each or is it 1 or 2 or 3 and you still have to buy 3 APs ?
Not that it'll prevent me from playing, but i was curious : )
sensei yaourt said:
didn't knew they planned on 12 AP a year, thought that would be like aGoT, 5 to 6 ...
Yeah 200 to 250 new card a year isn't that bad : )
Since i still haven't got any AP yet, i had a small question tho
Since AP are 40 cards strong but only 20 new cards are released, do we get 2 of each or is it 1 or 2 or 3 and you still have to buy 3 APs ?
Not that it'll prevent me from playing, but i was curious : )
well im assuming its every month, there might be a break between chapters but i dont think it will be 6 months. the packs have 3-ofs and 1-ofs. so to collect a playset of the one-ofs youll need to buy 3 packs
I've spent many many hundreds of dollars on CCG cards. I'm very excited to see a Lovecraftian themed deck building game that will ask somewhat less of me now that I've sworn off the standard CCG format.
That said, I love the struggle over stories rather than completely abstract points: the fact that success over a point of contention has a profound impact on the game is great. The four pronged icon competition elegantly provides for enjoyable fights while making a good effort to emulate the stories of the Cthulhu Mythos.
I also like the resource system very much in that it ought to allow me to make decks which include defenses against strategies I expect to run into trouble from without putting dead weight in my hand as I can always attach cards I don't expect to use as resources. I'm a big fan of card games which provide multiple uses for each card.
So overall, I think its a goodun. I've enjoyed playing with the core set by itself thus far and expect more fun from deck building once I get around to it.
FFG comes up with the most innovative card games ever.
I love COC. As a Lovecraft fan, the flavour and the mechanics are enough to get me hooked. I highly recommend this game.
It's a great game, costs a relatively small amount of money and it's fun. That sounds like a good game to me.
This is the only LCG I have not tried out yet. Might just get the core set to at least be able to play.
Toqtamish said:
This is the only LCG I have not tried out yet. Might just get the core set to at least be able to play.
this doesnt sound like a bad idea.
I have only played a few games so far and I think I'm hooked. I love the mechanics and the struggle system is very interesting.
I've played maybe magic for quite a while, off and on since I was in the 7th grade. I definitely appreciate the no mana/gold-screw. Also Deck building seems pretty fun, but I haven't gotten into that quite yet.
The resource and stoy/struggle mechanics are my favorite parts of the game. Deck building can very fast become question of math, in MtG where you have to fill 1/3 of your deck with cards not directly related to your decks strategy, The domain format keeps the strategy of putting down "mana"; do you want a big domain, but then only be able to play a single card in a turn or do you try to fill up all three domains to make a weenie rush?
The struggles really drive home the flavor of CoC and gives more strategy on how you will try to win the game; do you put you opponents characters out of commision with insanity or outright kill them with combat or do you rush for the investigation and arcane struggles.
Oh and the LCG format is what finally sold this game to me, once i have spend an intial large sum on the stuff already released, I will be able to keep up with the game for realtivly little cost
This is one I've been looking at, and really want to get. I wanted to check the forums a bit before deciding for sure though. Any game I've encountered from the Cthulu mythos has turned out to be great because there's so much that can be done with it. I like that this game sounds to be a little more balanced than other LCG's out there.
This is a good game. With each AP released, it seems to "flesh out" each faction more and more. You get to see the way each faction operates more and more..
I saw a few Magic references and have to agree. Some times Magic can be soo drawn out because you usually can only draw 1 card, so If things aren't going your way...its a slow, agonizing death. CoC is a lot different, You draw more, and its easier to assemble the colors you need in your resources. If you find yourself low on a specific color, its your fault for not building the correct mix, in the first place, not really the luck of your draws.
I play CoC LCG. I played CoC CCG. I thought the cards from the original CCG were more "cutthroat" then the cards from the LCG. I like the LCG better because I feel that the factions are more unique/fleshed out. This is just my personal opinion, other people may not see it this way.
I like the trickle of card packs, a few each month, more then getting a giant collectible set every so often. Collectible games always seem to be structured around the premise "The guy who spends the most wins the most" cause they have spent a lot of money and have a lot of the rares. This doesn't happen in CoC. Every month, everyone gets the same cards. People might argue and say you can no longer get a lot of the early AP, but FFG is working on that and seem to be reprinting AP (with 3 copies of each card) which it totally cool. If you look and compare CoC LCG cost with other games, especially collectible ones, its a lot more economical. Also you don't have a million common cards, you spent money on, laying around.
I like the game, have been playing it a long while, and don't feel any guilt or remorse about the money I have spent on the game. If someone offered to pay me what I paid for my set, I wouldn't do it. FFG did something right with this game.