Any form of deckbuilding/strategy? Or just luck?

By mr.thomasschmidt, in Death Angel


As a possible buyer of this game I would like to know if there's any form of strategy involved in this game or if it's just "shoot-and-hope-to-hit-something" luck?

Any thoughts on this?

Unless you're the luckiest person ever, no planning leads to defeats each and every time. You definately need to plan ahead, not just focusing on this turn, but for the future, building up Support tokens, making sure the right people are in the right place (and facing the right direction), etc.

The game is definitely much more about tactics than strategy. There is a lot of "thinking ahead" and planning to do, but there's a strong random component as well which keeps the game hard to predict. If you try to prepare and anticipate for what's coming up (instead of just respond as things happen) you'll do a lot better, but a few bad die rolls can cause even the best plans to fall apart. In a game with two or more players, if they don't cooperate / communicate / coordinate, things will go badly.

Luck in this game mostly exists just to hurt you. There's plenty of things that can randomly go wrong and ruin you without warning, but there are relatively few things that can randomly and unexpectedly save you from what looked like impeding doom.

As to the other part of your question, there's really no deckbuilding component at all. You can pick which team of marines you're playing -- and if you have the expansions you can choose whether to play against the green deck or the red deck -- but you don't intentionally customize the decks beyond that simple initial choice.

Thanks for the answers :)