What to get next?!

By Major Headcase, in Dust Tactics General Discussion

My collection started as a lone Original core set, just because I like the models, never realy thought I'd play the game much.

More recently, my group and I have gotten more and more into it. I now have the contents of 2 Original Core sets and 2 Revised core sets, plus a Light Walker for both factions, wich makes around 500 points each side, but lacks much unit diversity.

The rest of my group have one or two core sets, original and revised, but no one has gotten any of the more specialized units, just like me.

With so many new units out, what should I get next with my limited funds? None of us use Artillery yet, so if I get Artillery walkers, do I HAVE to have troops who have the spotter and call in strike abilities? Or snipers? Are they realy that good in this game? cause in 40k they realy under-welm!

Are command squads a must for an army? Also, Operation: Seelowe? Is it worth it to buy just for some new heros, or is the box set also a must? My friend downloaded the missions so we could play them eventualy, should I still buy it?

Sorry for all of the questions, but I cant spend that much each payday and was wondering what you guys with more experience PLAYING with these other units feel should be my priority list.

Not that I dont have fun playing with waves of near-cloned infantry and walker units! but a little diversity would be nice! ( I also want to get the jump on my gaming group, and realy piss them off with a new unit to spring on them!) demonio.gif

Thanks in advance for you input! And remember........

Have fun blow'n stuff up!

what faction do you use? for the axis i'd have a go with the zombies.

With that many core sets, get some or the weird stuff like gorillas and zombies, you will need Seelow to get Marcus the gorillas leader though. I find artillery pretty useless and to get the most out of them you need a spotter.

German's definitely have the advantage with Artillery, though the Allies do also get the Mickey Assault Walker with the set (Allies have 4 possible combinations in the expansion set and the Germans have 3 possible combinations in theirs. The 2 that came in the Original Core + the Artillery + Mickey for Allies). The Mickey is more of an Anti-Infantry Walker, but can do some damage to Armor 4 walkers. It's quite nice with Fast, Jump, and Self Repair.

The observer/sniper squads are good if used properly. I typically put Joe or Rosie with the snipers since they reverse hits with the spotter (hits are misses, misses are hits). I have yet to play an allied opponent who put Sigrid with the Snipers. I think it would be rather devastating with her laser weapon. Since rolls are reversed, all misses become hits and get rerolled, plus her Berserk ability and a possible sustained attack... Possibility of being quite devastating. The Artillery Strike of the observer squads is pretty much the only thing they have going for them.

I feel the command squads are a must own for any army. Their abilities are just too valuable to not have at your disposal. I've had a few game breaking reactivation's that were just too insane to believe. Plus the heavy command squads will be out in 4th Quarter 2011... Having both Armor 2 and Armor 3 command squads on the field will just be devastating.

The gorillas have seemed to be worth their weight after all. Especially when Teamed up with Marcus from Seelowe... Marcus' Charge Ability plus the Gorillas Fast Ability means these guys can move 3 spaces and attack EVERY TURN. Haven't fought Zombies yet, but they look quite deadly. The Tank Busters and Ozzy have had mixed success, but when the achieve, it's huge. Ozzy's Heroic Attack has had my Axis enemies cursing me under their breath as they ponder if I will get a reactivation, or initiative the next turn. The Grim Reapers have their moments too. The Move 2 and Jump for Ozzy, Tank Busters, and Grim Reapers is a nice bonus too.

I haven't had any experience with the German Light Walkers outside of the Revised Core Set. I myself own the Original Core, Revised Core, and 2 of a majority of the Allied expansions. I also bought a command squad for the Axis, along with the Medium Walker, Gorillas, the Battle Grenadier/Tank Killer set, and the special ops set (observer/sniper). Though I am an Allied player, I like to be able to have the "essential" Axis pieces at hand when I have a new player who wants to learn the game.

Hope this helps! happy.gif

If you get the Gorillas, get Seelowe to get Marcus. Otherwise, just get Zombies.

On the Observer/Sniper set, they are nice. I need more games in, but I can see already that having a couple of extra activations in a game can be like gold. Three Observer squads? Same price as a Recon squad, you lose the machinegun (plus UGL/Panzerfaust) but now have an extra rifle. They are also Agile and can get better cover saves. You can also spend three activations forcing your opponent to commit to his moves this turn.

Depending on the point your playing the command squads make a great force multiplier. Also for axis artillery is great but you need need a good number of special ops squads to use it effectively. zombies are insane if you have the heroes (promos only for now). command squads definitely add the most to the game though.

Algesan said:

If you get the Gorillas, get Seelowe to get Marcus. Otherwise, just get Zombies.

On the Observer/Sniper set, they are nice. I need more games in, but I can see already that having a couple of extra activations in a game can be like gold. Three Observer squads? Same price as a Recon squad, you lose the machinegun (plus UGL/Panzerfaust) but now have an extra rifle. They are also Agile and can get better cover saves. You can also spend three activations forcing your opponent to commit to his moves this turn.

It's also a bit cheesy and expensive in £$'s

This isn't 40k comp la-la-land, redundancy is something that is actually used by the combatants. Yep, it costs $, but then so does everything else and the cost for three isn't much more than the cost for a walker.

Thanks everyone!

I think my next purchase will be command squads, since I have so many infantry units, this will help maximize my troop units.

As to wich faction I play, I am collecting my Axis and Allies in concert, working on both at once. I will try to keep them balanced, for use with new players. But my first love are the Axis! The Ludwig model is what sold the first box for me!

Also, I'm a villain at heart! Chaos, Cryx, Dindrenzi/Relthoza, Tyranid, If the army eats people, I play them! So Zombies arent far behind the comand squads!

Have fun blow'n stuff up!

Also, once Warfare comes out, there is the ability to increase the number of guys in a squad. So some of your redundant units, can become larger squads of the same unit.

Gobbo said:

Also, once Warfare comes out, there is the ability to increase the number of guys in a squad. So some of your redundant units, can become larger squads of the same unit.

Oh, nice. It is going to be fun to see how they handle the transition from 36"x45" max to 48"x72" max playing area as far as unit density goes.