Double Tie Breaker

By Fryd Pickles, in Blood Bowl: Team Manager

What if the ball is at midfield at one of the matchups and both players have equal star power? Does the person with the coin (first manager) decide who he wants to win the matchup? If so, that would make the two player game lame since it's an obvious choice who they would want to win.

Fryd Pickles said:

What if the ball is at midfield at one of the matchups and both players have equal star power? Does the person with the coin (first manager) decide who he wants to win the matchup? If so, that would make the two player game lame since it's an obvious choice who they would want to win.

P. 13 In such a tie, there would be no winner at a highlight. First Manager WOULD choose who won at a tournament though. In a two-player game, each player will have that tie-breaker twice, so it evens out.

I think of all of the games I've played so far, that tie-breaker has only been called into action ONCE. You just play to avoid a tie when you know you need better.

Call me dumb, but that doesn't make any sense. How will a tie-breaker happen twice? There is no guarantee that will happen.

Fryd Pickles said:

Call me dumb, but that doesn't make any sense. How will a tie-breaker happen twice? There is no guarantee that will happen.

In a two player game there are 4 tournaments - one every week. So there are 4 opportunites for the tie to happen and each player would be 'first manager' for two of them. So the *chances* of who benefits balance out in a two player game.

(and all 4 tournaments give the same fan advantage to the winner - 5 fans)

I guess that makes sense. I was just implying that you aren't guaranteed to get a equal number of ties. Some will either be total wins/losses and some will be ties. I also overlooked the section where highlights can end in a draw, but tourneys do not.

As per the rulebook-

"In case of a tie at a tournament when the ball is at midfield, the first
manager decides which tied team has higher Star Power."

So they are basically saying the first manager chooses who he wants, or does this mean he has to add up all star power points on each team and then determine the winner?

Fryd Pickles said:

As per the rulebook-

"In case of a tie at a tournament when the ball is at midfield, the first
manager decides which tied team has higher Star Power."

So they are basically saying the first manager chooses who he wants, or does this mean he has to add up all star power points on each team and then determine the winner?

??? I don't see where your question is coming from here. The part you've quoted is pretty clear.

I'm probably reading more into this than what I should, but I will try to explain. If the rule was stated as such then it would completely make sense:

"In case of a tie at a tournament when the ball is at midfield, the first
manager decides which tied team wins the tournament."

However, the rule states "...the first manager decides which tied team has higher Star Power . " To me, this implies it's more involved than just picking a winner.

yes you read to much into it. You just wrote same as rules states. Rules are writen to reflect game and in the game star power is everything.