New GM new to DW, advice?

By XeroNecross, in Deathwatch Gamemasters

Ah so I was close. Thank you :) I wont be able to put this into practice until tomorrow after I get back from some... parade or what ever the town holds every year... I've lived here for 11 years and never ever heard of a annual parade until just last week :/

I saved all my data and turns and such... then again I may just clear it all and start over with my brother being included with his Librarian, Space Wolf, to try out the effects of combat with psyker powers as well as normal combat. Thank you :D You've been a big help to me :)

add this note to the side... Why did they make a errata to the rules? And if they did it recently why not update the books? I jsut bought mine like a month ago so if they updated the books i wouldn't be behind on the update >_>

Hi XeroNecross I play a libby so I'll try to chip in here. Think of the psychic power system as a sub system within DW. Rules for Psychic abilities can be found in the core rule book and are abit different from 'other realms' that you speak (if you're referring to DH or RT).
1. Power Level
Think of it like the volume on your stereo, soft, normal, or loud. It affects the power of your psychic technique and psychic phenomenon (for convenience I will call it PP) occurrence. Three levels, fettered, unfettered and push. Unfettered - No PP occurrence, but power or damage of technique is halved (due to halving of PR). Fettered - Damage as per usual. PP occurs when you get double example, two 'one's rolled. Push - +3 to PR for damage calculation purposes, auto PP occurrence, rolling doubles incurs a level of fatigue.

2. Focus Power Roll
Willpower roll plus bonus of Psy Rating x5. A Libby has 3 PR and 40 Willpower. He needs to meet 40+(5x3) or 55 or less under his roll to manifest said power. A roll of 91-100 is auto failure. Remember that on fettered, it is still possible to fail/pass and incur a PP occurrence.
3. Psychic Phenomena
Psychic Phenomena occurs at push and fettered levels (for power manifestation purposes). Roll two D10s and consult the table on P187 of the core rule book. If the roll is 75+, a perils of the warp occurs, and you roll again for the table on P188. I personally take Rite of Sanctioning as insurance to reduce freakish outcomes on the PP table but many other players may not see it as a necesary talent.
4. Psychic Techniques
Adding on to VanorDM, all Psychic techniques have the following descriptors. Name, Sustained, Range, Action, Opposed and other descriptions. Note that unless explicitly stated, all powers need a valid target. Meaning that your librarian need to have a line of sight to target or knowledge of target's presence.

Name - The name of the power (self explanatory)
Range - depending on technique, may have different distances. Like Avenger extends 30 metres, while smite depends on the PR used (remember power level?)
Sustained - Some psychic techniques can be sustained such as Force Dome. If a technique cannot be sustained it ends instantly after use like Smite. Sustaining requires the libby to expend half an action. A libby may sustain more than one technique at a time but the PR (effects) will be reduced by th number of techniques sustained. So if a libby has 2 powers active, he spends half an action and the PR for both powers are reduced by 2 each. So on and so forth.
Action - Free, Full, Half, Reaction, Extended (usually denoted by a bracket after indicating number of Full Actions needed).
Opposed - Type of test required to opposed (either to negate/reduce) the effects. Some may require a agility roll like Avenger. Some may require Opposed willpower roll. After the power has been manifested, psyker rolls once for willpower, all other targets make single opposition rolls against that. More degrees of Successes wins.
Description - Any other description of psychic technique
Force Weapons - A force weapon being in tuned with the psychic power of the Librarian. The librarian may as a free action, channel his psychic killing will into his weapon. After damageing an opponent he may choose a power level, make a willpower roll to manifest, and apply the damage as follows. Counts as a use of Psychic power. Then an opposed willpower to see if the additional damage applies

Remember that the rule book states all actions in a turn has to be different. Meaning that after using a smite, you cannot follow up by using your psychic ability to boost your force weapon in close combat.
That being said, let's factor in a Librarian into VanorDM's battle.

Brother Lexicanum Caduceus of the Ultramarines
WS:54 BS:45 S:41 [10] T:50 [10] WP: 55 Ag:39 Wounds: 23 PR: 3 Initiative: 9
Force Sword - 1d10+5 R Pen:3 (Remember that Pen and Damage increases with PR) Balanced, Special
Techniques known : Smite, Avenger, Augury

Let’s say he’s fighting a RB Tyranid Warrior (eL337) with his Brothers. See 371 of Rule book for stats on Warrior.

Round 1, Fight!

The Warrior has Initiative of 13(Rolling a 5 and adding Unnat Agility of 8). The warrior strikes first. It moves 6 metres (half) and takes a single swipe at Caduceus.

DM rolls a10, so he gets 55-10= 4 Degrees of Success. The Razor Sharp gives it a double pen if it exceeds more than 2 degrees of success. Caduceus decides to Parry (Reaction). The Balanced description on the power sword adds +10 to parry. Caduceus has to roll under 64. He rolls a 62 thereby barely making it.

Caduceus decides that this is a decisive time to use his Psychic powers. He decides to “push” a Smite and next decides to smack the warrior with his Force Sword.

Let’s look at Smite on P195 of the Rulebook:
Action: Half
Range: 10 Metres x PR
Opposed: No
Sustained: No
Description: 1d10x PR, Pen = PR, any creatures within PR metres of target gets affected.

Smite cannot be opposed. He has to beat 55+15(3 PR x 5) or 70. Warrior has shadow in the warp, a trait that imposes -10 to psychic power manisfestation. He rolls a 59 and makes it by one!

Pushing triggers a PP (see above). He rolls a 70 (almost perils, yipes!). Fortunately our libby has the Rite of Sanctioning talent and he is able to select the PP that occurs. He chooses the thin layer of frost PP (for dramatic effect). Next for damage he rolls a 6d10 for Smite (as it adds +3 to PR level).

After rolling 6d10, Caduceus ends up doing 41 damage. He rolls location which gives him a 54 = Body. As the warrior has reinforced chitin (all 8 armour and unnat toughnes), it takes 41 – 5 (pen 3 reduces the armour) – 8 = 41-13= 28. 50% off Tyranid Warrior! Next up he decides to Smack it hard with his Sword. He rolls 36 for his WS, and succeed. The warrior decides to Parry having a high WS. It rolls a 96! Epic failure to parry!

I wonder if claws experience weapon jams as well! LOL. Our Librarian rolls damage he rolls a Natural 10! Righteous Fury (Deathwatch training auto confirms Righteous Fury to Xenos). He rolls again and gets a 8. So its 18+10 (strength bonus)+5=18+15=33 Damage! He rolls location and it’s a 04 - to the head! The EMPRAH is Smiling on his servant. The Warrior takes 33 –13 = 20, (just nice) and dies in a pile of eviscerated mess in the name of the EMPRAH!!!!!!

<end of simulation>

My apologies for the long post if anyone was offended.

VanorDM said:

I hope that helps, I think it should cover the basics of DW combat and get you going. If you have any questions about it or want more examples let me know and I’ll see what I can do.

VanorDM said:

On the Boyz turn, they run towards the other two Marines, to get into melee range. They can run a total of 18m, which isn’t quite close enough to get into range.

I understand the Librarian a little bit more thank you :D Sadly I have a parade to get to tonight... So I'll... a birthday party to get to on friday... a halloween even on sat-sunday... At this rate I'm never going to get a chance to test my new found knowledge! T-T Next monday I'll take some time to try this stuff out.

XeroNecross said:

add this note to the side... Why did they make a errata to the rules? And if they did it recently why not update the books? I jsut bought mine like a month ago so if they updated the books i wouldn't be behind on the update >_>

Typically with RPG's they don't update the published books. Rather people just have the errata with them and try to remember what's in there that replaces the corebook. Some people will even go as far as literally cutting and pasting the errata into the book. That's a bit messy however.

RainOfSteel said:

Seeing your excellent example was helpful in furthering my understanding of combat in this system. It's been snipped out and saved away in my notes permanently. Thank you.

You're most welcome. :) I'm glad my example could help someone else, and I'm a bit honored to have it added to a GM's notes. :)

Re:The orks not getting there... To be honest I fugged a bit with that. I didn't want to have to type up the whole counter attack of the orks, so I made sure they couldn't get into melee that turn. Although it might of been better if I had covered one example of how Pen works, since that wasn't clear in my example.


No reason to apologize, it can take a lot of text to explain stuff like this. :)

Oh and I also did realize that XeroNecross made one small mistake that I didn't mention.

Tearing adds 1d10, drop the lowest it does not double the number of dice rolled, I can see why that would be confusing from my example though.

So if you had a weapon that does 1d10 with tearing, you roll 2d10 drop the lowest. If you have 2d10, you roll 3d10 and drop the lowest.

Aho! That makes sense :P

VanorDM said:


No reason to apologize, it can take a lot of text to explain stuff like this. :)

RainOfSteel said:

VanorDM said:


No reason to apologize, it can take a lot of text to explain stuff like this. :)

What did I apologize for? </scratches head>

Sorry my bad, it wasn't you it was Deepstriker.

lawlz :P

I was telling my little brother every thing I learned from you guys and we're working out a plan for tomorrow to try a test-battle. Thankfully all I got today is a babyshower instead of the halloween scare-asylum to go to... Which I surely would have wet myself from the video I saw alone... Cannot imagine the actual place :S

So as soon as I get the results of that tomorrow and if we get confused again I'll come back here and say what got us, but I think you guys covered most the much needed bases.