Threat reduction

By Ileopsoas, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

I have a basilar question: can threat be reduced below zero with card effect? (e.g.:Galadriel's greetings, Gandalf...)

I also state the this game is much less easier and less funny if played with threath reducing deck, especcially if you're able to draw lot of cards...As you say in other posts, scoring sistem is useless (unless to test your luck when you play same quest with same deck!)

I don't think threat can go below 0, and can make a strong argument for that case, if need be. However, I don't think there is an explicit rule that states you can't have negative threat (though, I would love to be proven wrong)

I prefer to have threat stop at 0, because then there is a definitive "high score" for each quest.

How about a rule that your current threat level cannot go below your starting threat level? After all, it does make sense, at the start of a scenario, you are already at a certain threat level. Thematically, could the threat level (the danger level?) be lower when you are already in the middle of an unfinished quest than before you started?

I think threat should go even ander your threat level, because carachter can use escamotage to get less evident...

Ileopsoas said:

I have a basilar question: can threat be reduced below zero with card effect? (e.g.:Galadriel's greetings, Gandalf...)

I also state the this game is much less easier and less funny if played with threath reducing deck, especcially if you're able to draw lot of cards...As you say in other posts, scoring sistem is useless (unless to test your luck when you play same quest with same deck!)

Play a NIghtmare mode game- after teh first quest your threat will be raised back to your original start threat and then you continue on- THEN if tell me that the game is easy -I'll pay you to teach a class on the game

crichtonfarscape said:

Ileopsoas said:

I have a basilar question: can threat be reduced below zero with card effect? (e.g.:Galadriel's greetings, Gandalf...)

I also state the this game is much less easier and less funny if played with threath reducing deck, especcially if you're able to draw lot of cards...As you say in other posts, scoring sistem is useless (unless to test your luck when you play same quest with same deck!)

Play a NIghtmare mode game- after teh first quest your threat will be raised back to your original start threat and then you continue on- THEN if tell me that the game is easy -I'll pay you to teach a class on the game

I'm in on the pay... and if you beat CatC and JdtA AND RHOSGOBEL WITH THE SAAAAME deck constantly, consistently and not just because of sheer luck with the cards available NOW, heck, I'll buy the deluxe pack for you :P

same with e.g. magic - counter deck - you just sit there, counter everything and wait for the opponent to die :D or other milling/controlling decks... there is always a "less fun" aspect...

btw: anybody rulebook p.22 - negative score possible??? so yes, the threat can go under 0!

Vyron said:

btw: anybody rulebook p.22 - negative score possible??? so yes, the threat can go under 0!

Yes, a negative score is possible, but that isn't the same as reducing your threat below 0. Victory points allow for negative scores if you have a low threat, but I don't think threat can go below 0. I just did a game where I ended the game with 0 threat and had 3 victory points from a Gladden Fields, meaning I had a score of -3. Negative score does not equal negative threat.

sure, sure, you're absolutely right! but I think that if a negative score is possible AT ALL, then a threat reduction under zero should also be possible... really, I don't care, because this is very very difficult anyway...

I see minimum threat is 0 and my reasoning is this - the dials only go down to 0.

If FFG had intended for negative threat to be possible, they would have surely made this possible using the components supplied with the game.

Call my old fashioned and all that!