I thought I'd show you folk what I've been working on of late, which is an expansion based on the Dreamlands. It's intended to be a rather intense big board expansion, one that requires a lot of effort be expended on stopping it kiling you, probably best played without any other big boards unless you're particularly suicidal.
I'll upload some stuff now to pique your interest, hopefully I'll have time later in the week to put up some more sample cards and the rules for criticism (especially of the rules, which I want to make sure I have nailed down before I finsih the items and encounters).
So this is the board at present. Obviously the background is hideous, but I figured it was best to get the nuts and bolts of where all the locations were in relation to eachother before obsessing over the visuals. The little numbers are modifiers - essentially, you make speed checks to move between locations, so there is a chance you will be stuck somewhere along the way.
Below are some sample encounter cards, I'm putting them in table form as well as cards, as no one likes printing more than they have to. Using tables, , it should be possible to play the expansion with just the board and three small decks of small size cards.