New and need some help.

By kingdomhearts12, in Rules Discussions

Well i've seen how to play kingdom hearts TCG on youtube and i've got a questions.when your player loses all their HP you lose right?Also when you move and your supposed to add a heart point does that increase your player's hp?Also is there another way to lose heart points besides escaping?That's all for now.

Heart points are the life blood of the game, when ever you lose a challenge you lose an HP whenever you succumb to a card effect that states you lose an HP( wyvern, pot spider pirate) you lose an HP, you will lose and additional HP if a soul eater was used in the challenge you lost. You can increase your HP by playing worlds( +1 HP) and witgh certain amgics( cure, cura, curaga) magic frieds(tinker bell any lvl) and ever one certain attack card(Oathkeeper) when your player loses all their HP you lose as well. I think that covers it all lol

You are right, when you reach 0 HP you lose. You lose HP after losing a challenge, from certain cards like barrel spider, and soul eater makes you lose 2HP in a challenge as to the usual one.

pot spider= 1 damage if you have no friends out when they play it

wyvern or pirate make you lose a HP each turn until you defeat them

barrel spider deals you one damage if you dont use a magic card in the battle phase

escaping discards your world with its heartless, all your friends, plus you lose 1 HP

When you play a world card, you do increase your HP by 1. Cards like tinkerbell and oathkeeper also increase your HP if the cards conditions are met.

tinkerbell increases life by 1 or 2

oathkeeper gains you a life when used to kill a heartless... NOT A VILLIAN

cure,cura,curaga gain you 1-3 HP

I think this covers it pretty much :)

Thirroxin said:

You are right, when you reach 0 HP you lose. You lose HP after losing a challenge, from certain cards like barrel spider, and soul eater makes you lose 2HP in a challenge as to the usual one.

When you play a world card, you do increase your HP by 1. Cards like tinkerbell and oathkeeper also increase your HP if the cards conditions are met.

Barrel makes you lost one when it is sent to the discard pile without magic damage. It's one of the few cards Pan can not negate/not worth negating cause it does nothing.

Wyvern Pirate deal blood during your discard phase so you have a turn to kill them, they would be better if it was your discard phase or your opponent's draw phase.

Soul Eater does the -2, but dispite all of these it's still easier to just keep you're HP higher and WR.

oh and lets not forget the ever unpopular halloween town lvl1 that has something to do with HP

Anarchy_In_The_Galaxy said:

oh and lets not forget the ever unpopular halloween town lvl1 that has something to do with HP

Halloween Town lvl 1 isn't as great because you can also lose that one HP.

Thanks that's all I wanted to know and I know how to play but that was just a question I had.

Wait! Pan cannot negate Barrel Spider?!? Did I read that right?

Broadway_Punk said:

Wait! Pan cannot negate Barrel Spider?!? Did I read that right?

Yeah, you ready that right, Pan does NOT negate Barrel Spider.