I dislike heart symbol on descent DICE, but greate game!

By ArturiStellare, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

because if heart token is life, a damage symbol on dice must be a broken heart or another symbol like a skull or something else.

Also i dislike the heart symbol as damage on dice because in this way descent seems an happy game for colered girls. heart is not dungeon, skull is dungeon.

so please in second edition change damage symbol on dice!

sorry for "colored girls", english is not my first language

i wanted to say that the board game should not have a feminine style and colored or infantile.

I still ask excuse!

I'm sorry you feel the game offends your masculine sensibilities.

Sexist prat.

radiskull said:

I'm sorry you feel the game offends your masculine sensibilities.

Sexist prat.

Don't feed the trolls.

Sometimes I can't help myself :) I don't get to call people prats nearly enough in my day-to-day goings-on.

radiskull said:

Sexist prat.

I read this as "Sexiest Pirat" and was a bit confused.. ^^