A quick Hello from a noob

By jboweruk, in Twilight Imperium 3rd Edition

Hi all, I just got Twilight Imperium 3 in the last week. Only played one game on my lonesome so far (randomizing a lot of stuff) but already love it to bits. I'll be using it as part of something much larger, so a combination of several games and add-ons to track basically a galactic scale war.

I'd like to thank FFG and in particular Mr. Peterson for the vision that brought this game to light. It is without doubt perfect for the purpose I wanted it when I discovered it, and as a standalone game I'll enjoy it well beyond my own use of the board.

So there we are, My name is John, but jbo or jboweruk is fine by me when typing. :)

I love to hear other peoples experiences with games/races, and their thoughts on any 'house' rules that help it along, especially anybody who like me is playing mostly solo.

Let me be the first to welcome you to the wonderful universe of Twilight Imperium.

And, if I may say so, a marvelous choice of avatar. :)

I understand that you are going to merge TI with WH40K in an epic galactic campaign.
Might you still my curiosity as to which TI-race would symbolise the Tau Empire?

sorry but the Tau aren't in my own Fluffline. I only use rules not fluff I'm afraid. But the other races will be:

Eldar = Mentak

Space Marines = Sardakk Nor (for the rules mostly, certainly not looks LOL)

Imperial Guard = Sol

Then I have an enemy that are my own devising represented in 40k by a mix of Dark Eldar and Chaos, they are female vampires basically and due to the nature of their 40k rules:

CHAOS = Letnev

Dark Eldar = Naalu (for the initiative mostly)

and finally when they appear after this (round) is finished

Tyranids = L1Z1X

This is chosen for the individual abilities rather than appearance or TI3 fluff. I will be getting both expansions soon too, and hope to make a few changes then. But as of this moment I'm into the first moves made by the Imperium vs CHAOS and the DE have just attacked and destroyed my fleet at Fria, now they've landed forces on that icy hellhole, and my IG in their wonderfully UN white and Blue uniforms will have to stop them before the TI game continues. Watch this space.

2160 pts a side. :)

But no, due to my own fluff there are no Tau, little or no Orks, and no Daemons.

Oh sorry thanks for the warm welcome.