I'm wondering, does use of an auspex require the Tech-Use skill for normal use? I've used THE POWER OF GOOGLE to search around a bit, but I've seen a lot of conflicting thoughts on the matter - thus I come here, to a source that might have something resembling an 'official' response to offer.
To make it easy on you, here is the auspex scanner description from the core book:
These devices are used to detect energy emissions, motion
and biological life signs. A character using an auspex gains
a +20 bonus to Awareness Tests and may make a Tech-Use
Test to use an auspex to spot things not normally detectable
to human senses alone, such as invisible gases, nearby biosigns
or ambient radiation.
Already, I'm uncertain. Does the bonus apply only if the Tech-Use check is made, or is that a static bonus while in use, and does this 'simple' use require the Tech-Use skill?
I would have leaned towards Tech-Use being required for general use, with a check being made for more detailed information, but then if I take a look at the Tech-Use description...
A character may use Tech-Use to repair
mechanical items and to work out how
unusual technical artefacts work. When
using a basic, simple piece of mechanical
equipment under normal circumstances,
such as a vox or auspex, no Test is
required. A Tech-Use Test is needed if
the item is unusual, malfunctioning or
conditions are especially troublesome,
such as attempting to use an auspex
during an electrical storm, or trying to
get an ancient warp engine to start up
after a thousand years’ disuse.
Now, that pretty obviously says you don't need to make a check, but doesn't really say if the skill is required for use. If you don't need the Tech-Use skill for 'simple' use, how would a Feral-worlder (-20 to Tech-Use) fare in this simplistic use?