I received this game as part of a mystery box package from Pozy.com. At first glance, it doesn't appear to be something I would like. But I have been fooled by first glances before. Can anyone make a case for me to hang on to this and not gift it to someone?
Should I keep this game?
ColtsFan76 said:
I received this game as part of a mystery box package from Pozy.com. At first glance, it doesn't appear to be something I would like. But I have been fooled by first glances before. Can anyone make a case for me to hang on to this and not gift it to someone?
I haven't played FFG version of it, but I have played Steve Jackson Games X-Bugs and it is a nice dexterity game. If you like dexterity games this is in my opion one of the better, but it has some drawbacks, especially that it can drag. I haven't looked at the rules as it is something that can be easily house-ruled.
what in sweet puppy dog jeebus is a dexterity game?!?
thanks. Was looking at new board games, saw this as a favorite of a friend... will have to look in to it rules wise to learn what you mean!
Keep it! It's great fun. Tiddly winks with strategy. It's pretty much accessible to anybody, whether they are a hard-core gamer or not. I play with my kids a lot and they beat the pants off me!
I only wish they would go through with the expansion...it's not clear to me that it will ever be published.
A dexterity game is a game where you use your hands for more than shifting units on a game board. You need some skill and training to get the units where you want.
That being said, this game is great fun even if one or more players completely lack the skills mentioned above. Don't pick it if you want a serious game but most of my friends love the game since before their first play, just by watching the fooling around of others. Nice filler, and also playable after some beer (Warning: Lack of skill times beer might work surprisingly well or not at all!)
So yeah, anyone remember Clout? Heh. Pog tossing tastic! I enjoyed that.
Perhaps some sort of expandable MicroMutants would make me more interested... but it sounds its simple enough for the family, and yet, complex enough not to insult their intelligence. Will definitely look in to this kiddo.
I would keep it. Great fun. But dont argue with your opponent about some millimeters.
Thanks for the response everyone. Not sure if Dexterity games are my cup of tea - but I won't know until I try it! best way is with a "free" game.
It is easy to achieve the skill, which is needed to play it with a good flow. But you should play at least 3 rounds to get the feeling.
I would choose the green and yellow armies for the first game. Their specials abilitys are easy to understand.
I have both games X Bugs and Micro Mutants. Micro Mutants will be given away as a christmas present to my cousin. Its a great game, but the playing mat in the box is not good. If u want to the play the game and have fun, you will have to built your own one.
Is there much difference between X-Bugs and Micro Mutants?
I should get a copy of X-Bugs.
I think this is a great game, since is is something my 5-year old can actually have a chance at beating me at while still allowing me to have a challenge (sometimes
). However, i agree with the previous posters and really want to see the planned expansion, which they have supposedly developed 4 new armies for.
I think the MM playmat works. You can find better (like your RPG battlemat), but the playmat is better than your standard hard boardgame surface.
This game is a good "I'm done thinking for the day" game and good with the kids and "adults who are smart enough to be kids". It's a faux dexterity game -- your dexterity is almost a randomizing element, better than dice. At the worst, you have a Christmas present that will not fail if you give it to a gamer you think will like it -- because they will!
I didn't know anything about this game but it sounds like it could be a lot of fun.In fact, any game that can combine drinking and tossing things is usually a good one in my book, and it does not sound like there are too many confusing rules intracacies so that should make it easier to drink and play (which is also a bonus, for me as well as for my gaming group).
I played the SJG version when it first came out--it was a Christmas present to me. Basically it's glorified tiddly-winks, and I proved very dexterity-challenged, so I gave it away!
ced1106 said:
I think the MM playmat works. You can find better (like your RPG battlemat), but the playmat is better than your standard hard boardgame surface
Hmm, I dont think so, my mat doesnat lay quiet on the table, so I glued it on paper-back.
What? Does the fantasy flight version have a mat in the box??
Needless to say, SJgames tends to leave a lot of stuff needed to play a game out of the box. Frag, which needs a lot of dice to play, is shipped WITHOUT DICE...
Is Micro Mutants compatible with X-bugs, component and rule wise??
I have the SJGames version, and keep it so that I have something that I do not have to house rule to death, so that both my 5 year old nephew, and I can play and have a good time.
It also proves to be an entertaining game for when some of my work mates decide they want to get drunk of the night, and want to play something. Watching drunk executives playing "Tiddly Winks on Acid," can provide for some serious black mail mattereal
powertieke said:
Good! I'd much rather pay $5 less for a game, than have another 10 dice to add to the hundreds I have already...
powertieke said:
Not completely. See http://www.boardgamegeek.com/thread/281194 for someone who made a list.