
By Darthvegeta800, in StarCraft

Any idea if there will be a reprint of the core set?

Darthvegeta800 said:

Any idea if there will be a reprint of the core set?

I do not think so, why you expect there should be some ? Starcraft core set is still free to get in store, I do not see any reason for reprint.

Not over here. And my shopkeeper can no longer get it apparently.

Darthvegeta800 said:

Not over here. And my shopkeeper can no longer get it apparently.

buy on net somewhere, it is much cheaper than in shop. Try etc... perhaps you will pay something for post, but still it is worthy

I may do that though the additional costs can be quite high. :) I'll see.

It is getting more expansive every day :) And I found no shop here in Germany who still offers it.

There is almost no german version anymore on the market, I bought the english version. And no, dont trust FFG that they will hear your complaint, there will be no more reprinting because the license with Blizzard is over. I am still wondering how people can contract such a weird license then...

Could you tell me where did you get new english version of this?

I would say that the chances of a reprint is almost null.

If you really want this game, I say go to eBay and get it, and the expansion.

Both game and expansions are only going to be more and more rare and expensive as time goes by.

I'd even go so far as to say that the reprint chances are exactly null considering that the FFG license for the SC board game runs out this year.

And at least I still remember what happened to the Warcraft and World of Warcraft board game minipages and forums when those licenses ended. Overnight, they went *POOF* and was Lost in Time and Space. They haven't been seen since so they were probably Devoured too...

So if you haven't downloaded the SC rule and FAQ pdf's yet, you should probably do so now, while there is still time.

Also, take some time to trawl the forums for any tidbits you deem salvageable...

Hmm... Salvage. Kinda reminds me of the first SC video game intro movie starring Jem and Joey-Ray...

That is some really bad news. I've recently been struck by the board game addict illness and Star Craft has sailed to my top list of board games I want to get. I can easily get my hands on the expansion but not of the original game.

It's a shame they don't reprint the base game and bundle it with the expansion to sell off the current expansion stock for people like myself, one's getting into all of this pretty late. Guess I'll have to hunt on ebay. All stores in Sweden with an online inventory show they're sold out. preocupado.gif

Well I've seen one copy at my local toy store. It's located outside Gotemburg.

Well whaddaya know. Apparently they have 2 copies. Price: 999 sek (ridicuously high, I know).

(apparently I couln't edit my last post or some reason)

For reference to the non-swedish forum users, 999 SEK is roughly equivalent of 140 USD.

Oh really? Which store is that? I'm in Gothenburg you see =)

Well anyways. I'm off to Oslo for a weekend trip and managed to find a store with a copy just outside of Oslo for a slightly lower price, so will be picking it up there. 999SEK is a bit steep, but I would have bought it if they guy in Norway didn't have it. Will have to fetch Brood War expansion at aswell. Pickup point in Gothenburg with no delivery charge so the price is not too shabby.

Looking forward to experiencing Starcraft the board game. I bet FFG will reprint in the TI universe further down the road now that the license is gone, but I like the Starcraft universe and played the old games a lot when they were new.

It's the shop TOYS at Frolunda Torg. Saw today that they have a 30% discount on everything though. I suspect they're going out of business. So the final price would be 999x0,7=699. Maybe worth checking out?

Thanks for the heads up. It's roughly the same price then. I'll definetly check it out. They might have the expansion and some other stuff I might want.

Can't say I've seen any expansion. Sadly, they don't really focus on board games and only have a slightly above toystore standard assortment of lighter board games. They did also have one copy of the World of Warcraft board game though. With a price tag of 699 (489 with the 30% discount...) iIrc.

I am now a proud owner of Starcraft the Board Game =D

Not worried about the expansion. I'll just pick it up at Webhallen. They're selling it for 449SEK and have 7 copies in store. Pickup point is not too far away and no shipping fees if you pick it up there. If that fails they also have a copy at SF bok for 558SEK. It's the base game that proved to be my unicorn.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction. I owe you a pint. Now I have to get my hands on a couple of other titles from FFG that have caught my interest. =) Loking forward to the first SC game session =)

For those still hunting for the game this is what I've managed to find:
He has a couple of copies. Will ship abroad if you like. The shop is located just outside Oslo, Norway. have a copy of both the game and expansion. Decent price. They do ship abroad swell. The shop is located in the US.

There is also a shop in Denmark that only ships to Scandinavia, but I don't remember the link (have it in another computer). If anyone is interested send me a PM and I'll dig it up. =)

I'll have to take a rain check on that pint since my wife and I had our first kid last week. happy.gif I'm sure we'll prolly be able to work something out some day. gran_risa.gif

And as far as board gaming goes I might be able to butter up enough as to be allowed to attend one day of GothCon this year.

Seriously though it's more a question wether I can tear myself away from the little wonder.

Congrats! =)

I'll probably try to head over to Gothcon aswell. Will be my first =P


GC noob, eh? Yer in fer a right treat!