Control decks.

By Shangfu, in Call of Cthulhu Deck Construction


You also have a third answer in Yog-Sothoth (who is a beast). Hermetic Scholar mills four of your own cards so you will inevitably have a lost of 'Spell' cards in your own grave, so Yog-Sothoth will be really reduced in cost. I've played him for 2 before.

Then you go to town!

The only thing I'd be worried about is that you absolutely must draw a Museum Curator as early as possible, otherwise you lost before the game even starts for you. One of the decks I currently play around with also utilizes the Curator and that's one problem I've faced. The other problem is that it often takes too long to get out all the cards you need to get your engine of destruction/milling started.

But at least the deck probably solves one problem I've been facing: It sometimes happened to me that there was no support cards among the five cards I'd drawn after playing the Curator. That usually results in a lost game.

But as I've found out, it's extremely difficult to judge a deck by simply looking at the decklist. I'd need to playtest this to see if my worries are actually an issue.

jhaelen said:

The only thing I'd be worried about is that you absolutely must draw a Museum Curator as early as possible, otherwise you lost before the game even starts for you. One of the decks I currently play around with also utilizes the Curator and that's one problem I've faced. The other problem is that it often takes too long to get out all the cards you need to get your engine of destruction/milling started.

But at least the deck probably solves one problem I've been facing: It sometimes happened to me that there was no support cards among the five cards I'd drawn after playing the Curator. That usually results in a lost game.

But as I've found out, it's extremely difficult to judge a deck by simply looking at the decklist. I'd need to playtest this to see if my worries are actually an issue.

Strike mulligans and Journey to the Other Side make it really easy to get him. If there is a fluke and you don't, yeah, you are kinda outta luck.