I have a sparse gaming group that normally latches onto one game of a genre or mechanic type and does not have any interest in associated with another of that type. What I would like to know (being the individual that invests most in our gaming group's games) is what the general opinion is as to whether one should purchase WoTR or Conan if they could only have one. I would love if everyone would voice their opinion, and why they feel that way. It could go a long way in helping me decide which to pick up. Thanks.
Game Group Decision: WoTR or Conan
If it's a group (more than two people at a time), go with Conan. WotR is much more of a two player experience.
azuredarkness said:
If it's a group (more than two people at a time), go with Conan. WotR is much more of a two player experience.
yeah, I agree with that - much more fun with just two players.
I have yet to play WotR with more than two players. While it might be interesting to try with 4, I'm just not sure how well it would work.
Having played Age of Conan, this game works well with multiple players. I have not played with two, but it seems to scale up and down very nicely.
Conan is a much better more than 2 player game than WOTR. (Both are great games though)