Are the Marks across the systems the same?

By Mjoellnir, in Black Crusade

Hello, I just wondered if the Marks the gods bestow upon Black Crusade characters are the same as those the Deathwatch System uses for enemies or if they are different? Equal would be nice for compatibility purposes, but maybe a bit too powerful...

Nope, the ones in Deathwatch are vastly more powerful.

The only marks that are really powerful are the Mark of Nurgle (a mere +1 to toughness bonus, but ALL HAIL STUFF OF NIGHTMARES), and Mark of Tzeentch (turn any blunt into a bound psyker of Tzeentch!).

The marks inside BC aren't the same either; I don't know if this'll be errata'd or not, but if you gain Mark of Tzeentch by having 20 advancements+devoted, you won't become a bound psyker, unlike if the mark is gained from a reward.

It clearly states he counts as a Bound Psyker, in both instances.

Deinos said:

It clearly states he counts as a Bound Psyker, in both instances.

PG 82, mark of tzeentch. It does not state anything about becoming bound.