Okay Lucas, here's that deck list you asked for. This was the deck I took to Kublacon back in May this year so only maybe the first if any of Citadel Cycle was legal otherwise I probably would have had Ghaston Grey in here. I decided I wanted to play Martell but didn't want to do Super Viper Rush which was the primary popular archtype at the time. So I decided I could run KotR out of Martell since they have the best 1 cost knight and a decent 2 cost and I don't play KotR unless I think I can draw from setup. Martell knights naturally lead me to house Dayne and I decided to run Fear of Winter over VB or Narrow Escape to "do something different" again. I did not make the top 8 cut but still felt the deck performed well for me. I lost only 2 games, one of them having hit 14 power and been stopped by a Lanny control that from that point took another 3-4 rounds to ever so slowly lock in control and win. The other game I believe I bounced at 13 power when I made a bad judgement error in terms of expectations and walked multiple characters into a Field of Fire (which though it had been out I had never seen played). I had expected a Flame Kissed and sent multiple characters to esure that at least 1 got through to give me the victory. Anyway:
Knights of Starfall
House (1)
House Martell (Core) x1
Agenda (1)
Knights of the Realm (KotStorm) x1
Character (35)
Ellaria Sand (PotS) x2
Ser Arys Oakheart (PotS) x1
Harmen Uller (PotS) x1
Myrcella Lannister (KotS) x1
Darkstar (PotS) x3
Knights of the Sun (ASoS) x1
Lord Edric's Knight (PotS) x3
House Dayne Knight (PotS) x3
Starfall Bannerman (ASoS) x3
Starfall Healer (RotO) x2
Lost Spearman (MotM) x3
Refugee of the Citadel (RoW) x3
Former Champion (PotS) x3
Hedge Knight (KotStorm) x3
Carrion Bird (ASoS) x3
Location (18)
Lost Oasis (AToT) x3
Starfall (ASitD) x3
Palace Fountains (PotS) x3
Summer Sea (Core) x3
Water Garden (PotS) x3
River Row (QoD) x1
Street of Steel (Core) x1
Shadowblack Lane (Core) x1
Event (4)
Burning on the Sand (RotO) x2
He Calls It Thinking (PotS) x2
Attachment (3)
Taste for Blood (PotS) x3
Plot (7)
Blockade (Core) x1
Fear of Winter (BtW) x1
Loyalty Money Can Buy (QoD) x1
Retaliation! (ASoSilence) x1
Burning Bridges (QoD) x1
Wildfire Assault (Core) x1
To the Spears! (PotS) x1