How would a Chaos Space Marine character work in a group that everyone else is a human? I have a friend who is starting a game and this is what the characters are shaping up to be. He doesn't want a it to be all combat, and seems that a chaos space marine is primarily motivated by that - and he would probably out shine everyone else.
Chaos Space Marine and a group of Humans?
There's been quite a few threads on this.
tl;dr CSM are fine at social stuff if they either pose as (unusually buff) humans or as loyalist marines, pr its in the Screaming Vortex, they get 5 points more of perception, fellowship, etc., so they can't be argued to be combat only
If memory serves the Forsaken class for Chaos Space Marine is a more independant and would best suit working with a group of humans.
I possible way to disguise the bulk of a CSM is to create a suit that makes him look like a heavily augmented tech-priest.
Or if he has a lot of augmentations anyway, he could just don a big red robe. Only a problem if you encounter the actual Mechanicus.
Champions could also work, as they are the leader type CSMs, so they can do Fellowship type stuff pretty well, too. Chosen, on the other hand, seem to be the typical CSM where it's combat or nothing for them.
Viper114 said:
Champions could also work, as they are the leader type CSMs, so they can do Fellowship type stuff pretty well, too. Chosen, on the other hand, seem to be the typical CSM where it's combat or nothing for them.
Of course, since we have Archetypes rather than Careers in BC, we only know how a character begins, not where he's going. A Forsaken could easily take up permanently with a group of CSMs, a Champion could decide to become a loner, and a Chosen could decide to become a leader or a survivalist loner and let his personal combat abilities slack off.